Queen's Own
The Official Mercedes Lackey Fan Club

P.O. Box 749
Laguna Beach, CA 92652 USA

Series 3, Vol. 1, No. 1
May 1, 2000

Burning Brightly, Misty's Latest Release!

Heyla, Misty Fans!

Welcome to the first issue of the Queen's Own newsletter put out by Herald-Mage Journeyman Danya Winterborn and Healer Adept Moonstar!

Since you have received this newsletter via e-mail, you already know that Queen's Own is under new management and has a website located at http://www.dragonlordsnet.com/qo.htm. Memberships are now free for the newsletter, which will be mailed online a few days before the HTML copy goes up on the site. The MS-Word copy of the newsletter will not contain art (so people don't find 1 MB messages in their mailboxes <g>), but if you have art you would like to submit to us for the website version of the newsletter, we'd love to post it! E-mail .jpg or .gif files to Legend@malcor.com or send hardcopy to the address listed above.

We're taking the club and the newsletter back to the old format developed by the founder of Queen's Own, Judith Louvis, only we're doing it online. This means you can submit ads, personals, and all sorts of goodies via e-mail <g>. Do remember, though, that the newsletter will be posted online, so if you don't want your snail mail address posted on the Net, don't submit it. Think about submitting your e-mail address instead. Also, you may want to stick to your persona name instead of using your real name. Up to you. Just make sure we know what you want so no information goes into the newsletter that you do not want there.

Speaking of things going into the newsletter, we would be happy to consider items that you wish to submit for publication. Have you done an interview with anyone of interest to members of Queen's Own? Do you have information about upcoming cons, local Queen's Own chapters, or other fandoms? Visit http://www.dragonlordsnet.com/qonews.htm for instructions on how to send your material to us!


From the Archives

Danya and Bard Kestran by Laura Cameron

Here's an updated version of a piece that used to be sent to everyone who inquired about Queen's Own. The original author is Judith Louvis. Updates were made by L.A. Malcor.


"Queen's Own" is the official Mercedes Lackey Appreciation Society, formed with the permission of Misty and DAW soon after Arrows of the Queen appeared.

The purpose of Queen's Own is to keep you informed of new books and tapes by Misty, to tell you of upcoming Queen's Own activities at conventions, to allow her to communicate with all of you, and to allow all of us to become friends.

How did Mercedes Lackey come to be called "Misty"? Her original nickname was "Dee" but when spending a summer working with youngsters who were supposed to call their counselors Miss, Mrs. or Mr., her "Miss Dee" was slurred into "Misty."

Misty was born in Chicago, went to high school in Indiana and then to Purdue University, where she received her Bachelor of Science degree. She has held jobs as a retail clerk, lab tech, store detective, artist's model, cook, waitress, telephone surveyor, and computer programmer.

She plays guitar, oboe, clarinet, and both soprano and alto recorders. She's a scuba diver and costumer, reads German "at one time fluently", sews, embroiders, knits and crochets, and began writing fan fiction for the zine Shadowstar "because of sheer boredom."

Misty is married to SF/F artist/author Larry Dixon. Larry's handiwork can be seen as interior illustrations in many of Misty's novels as well as in publications from Bard Games, TriTac Games, TSR, Steve Jackson Games, Eclipse and Marvel comics. His pewter jewelry and miniature sculptures are featured in the Firebird catalog (Ed. Note: The High Flight site is no longer available and will be replaced by individual sites for Misty and Larry.). Some of Misty and Larry's many joint projects are Born to Run and Chrome Circle, novels of the SERRAted Edge series for Baen, and The Mage Wars trilogy, published by DAW. You can find all of Misty's books listed in the Dragonlords' Bookstore at http://www.dragonlordsnet.com/bkfanml.htm.

Besides Misty's fantasy series for DAW and Baen, she had a horror series for TOR featuring psychic investigator Diana Tregarde. Her short stories appear regularly in Marion Zimmer Bradley's Sword and Sorceress series as well as C.J. Cherryh's Merovingen Nights and many other anthologies.

The catalog of Firebird Arts and Music is a wonderful introduction to the world of filk. Their address is P.O. Box 14785, Portland, OR, 97214, and their website is at http://firebirdarts.com/. Their toll-free number is 1-800-752-0494. From Misty's worlds they carry tapes, books, T-shirts, and pewter jewelry and sculpture. Firebird also carries the music of Tempest, Golden Bough, Clannad, Heather Alexander, Meg Davis, Frank Hayes, Duane Elms and more.

The Cerridwen Enterprise (http://www.tardis.ed.ac.uk/~ism/lackey/info/cerridwen_enterprise.shtml) carries prints of Jody Lee's beautiful covers as well as a Winds of Fate T-shirt. Write to them at P.O. Box 10161, Kansas City, MO 64111, or phone 1-800-825-1281 to order or get their mailing list.

Do you dream of being a Herald? A Healer? A Bard? Queen's Own members can earn the right tot hose titles by following the guidelines in our helpful handouts. You can find the handouts at http://www.dragonlordsnet.com/qohandouts.htm on the Queen's Own website.

In the past we've had local chapters, zine, a cookbook, writer's circles, role playing games, mentors to answer questions in other areas of fandom, even a worst pun contest. Is there something you'd like to see us do? Message us at Legend@malcor.com or post a message in the Queen's Own Private Delphi Forum (http://www.dragonlordsnet.com/qodelphi.htm). Share your ideas and enthusiasm!


Ren Faires:

Yarik in the Companion's Field by Laura Cameron Here are the faires we know about that are happening in May. Faires are indexed alphabetically by state. Have any information about any other Ren Faires in your area? Send it to us at Legend@malcor.com.






New Jersey

New York




For additional Ren Faire information, visit the Renaissance Faire Homepage at http://www.renfaire.com/.



Danya and Yarik Sparring by Laura Cameron Have any information about conventions in your area? Send it to us at Legend@malcor.com.




Member News:

Danya and Yarik by Laura Cameron

For definitions of our fannish jargon, read "Pros & Cons: An Introduction to Fandom" written by Elizabeth Barrette. (Judith is sending us a copy, and we hope to be able to make it available to you soon.)

Local chapters:

Zines and Newsletters:

Other Fandoms:


Collegium News:

Danya, Yarik and Dean Terren by Laura Cameron

We have individual handouts for aspiring Heralds, Healers, Bards, Mercenaries, Tayledras, Shin'a'in, and White Winds Sorcerers/Sorceresses and instructions on how to work for Herald-Mage status if you are already a Herald. You can find these handouts online at http://www.dragonlordsnet.com/qohandouts.htm.

You need a release form (online at http://www.dragonlordsnet.com/qomlrel2.htm) if you write a story set in Misty's worlds or using any of her characters. You do not need a release for a character sketch, poem or filk. All Misty wants to do is protect her characters and her worlds. Send the release form (you do NOT need ot include the story) to Misty c/o High Flight Arts and Letters, P.O. Box 2970, Claremore, OK 74017. Do NOT include the release form with your persona material; send it to Misty.

All personae materials should be sent to the QO address.


From Healer Adept Moonstar:

The very first issue of Queen’s Own newsletter was mailed in February 1988. It was one page, single-sided, and mailed to about two dozen people. The very first issue of the Queen’s Own online newsletter will go out to the same number of members.

The Queen’s Own mailing list was at one time about 1,100 members strong, and we can only hope for the same. One of the main reasons we now have an online newsletter is to keep the club in the hands of the fans and make it more responsive to them. We see free memberships as an important part of that effort. If you know someone who doesn’t have e-mail access and still wants a copy of the newsletter, please let us know, and we will try our best to work something out.


Fan Messages:

Yarik, Danya and Sherrill by Laura Cameron The newsletter is routinely posted to the Net. If you are concerned about your address falling into unfriendly hands, don't place a fan message! You may answer fan messages without ever placing one yourself. The editors reserve the right to edit--and shorten!--all messages. (Remember to tell your Post Office about your alternative name if you wish to receive mail addressed to your persona at an addressed where you receive mail under your real name.)

The only "fee" for a fan message is to write to two other people. If your mailbox is empty, don't complain--write letters!



Healing Session by Laura Cameron


Queen's Own is the official Mercedes Lackey Appreciation Society. Our purpose is to share our enjoyment of Misty's worlds. We are a fan-run not-for-profit organization, not a business. Our address of publication: P.O. Box 749, Laguna Beach, CA 92652 USA. This newsletter is published solely to inform and entertain the club's membership; no infringement of anyone's copyrights is intended.

Newsletters are published on (or near) the first of each month.

Co-Editor/Co-President Herald-Mage Journeyman Danya Winterborn (L.A. Malcor; AOL-IM SN Shashtah; Legend@malcor.com)
Co-Editor/Co-President Healer Adept Moonstar (Kendra Renaud; AOL-IM SN healermoon; healermoon@gmail.com)

The featured artist for the online version of the newsletter is Laura Cameron. All drawings in this newsletter are ©1998-1999 Laura Cameron. All rights reserved.

Mercedes Lackey does not receive mail at the Queen's Own address. Fanmail to Mercedes Lackey and releases for fan fiction should be sent to:

Mercedes Lackey
c/o High Flight Arts and Letters
P.O. Box 2970
Claremore, OK 74017

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