King Arthur
Modern Arthurian Fiction
The popularity of the Arthurian legends has waxed and waned since the Middle Ages, but
lately the Arthurian tradition has been enjoying a tremendous renaissnace in the form of
the modern novel. Arthurian novels are published faster than I can code <g>, so check
back frequently to see what I've added! If you do not see a text that
you would like to purchase, message me at and
I'll add it for you.
These authors have written more than one book that is still in print about
King Arthur or that uses Arthurian themes.
Time of the Vampires
- Edited by P.N. Elrod & Martin H. Greenberg. Includes Bradley H. Sinor's "Oaths"", about Lancelot.
- Arthurian short stories, edited by Martin H. Greenberg. Includes Bradley H. Sinor's "Central Park", about Lancelot, and stories by Charles De Lint, Andre Norton, Diana Paxson and Jane Yollen.
Warrior Fantastic
- Edited by Martin H. Greenberg. Includes Bradley H. Sinor's "Final Score", about Lancelot.
Knight Fantastic
- Edited by Martin H. Greenberg. Includes Bradley H. Sinor's "And The Wind Sang", about Lancelot.
Fiddler Fair
- This title that sounds as if it's from the Bardic Voices series, but it's not. Instead this
is a fine collection of Mercedes Lackey's short stories (many co-authored with Larry Dixon), including one about Excalibur and another about the Holy Grail.
The Camelot Chronicles: Heroic Adventures from the Time of King Arthur
- A thoroughly entertaining collection of short stories, edited by Mike Ashley. Hardcover.
The Pendragon Chronicles: Heroic Fantasy from the Time of King Arthur
- Another collection of short stories, edited by Mike Ashley. Hardcover.
Isaac Asimov's Camelot
- A collection of Arthurian stories that originally appeared in Isaac Asimov's Science Fiction Magazine.
King Arthur & His Knights
- Sir James Knowles's retelling of several, well-known Arthurian legends.
1986 Edition.
Arthurian Drama: An Anthology
- Alan Lupack compiled this collection of six plays that make use of Arthurian themes.
Modern Arthurian Literature: An Anthology of English and
American Arthuriana from the Renaissance to the Present
- Alan Lupack edited this fine collection.
The Lost Books of Merlyn: Druid Magic from the Age of Arthur
- Another blend of fiction and perceived fact, though the work is more
valuable as a collection of short stories than as a scholarly resource.
That Way Lies Camelot
- Janny Wurts's short stories about Camelot.
Juvenile Books
Here are some retellings of the Arthurian legends that are aimed at younger readers. More juvenile
titles can be found under the names of authors who have published multiple Arthurian novels, so
be sure to check those out as well!
Arthur, High King of Britain
- Michael Morpurgo's retelling is aimed at grades 3 through 7.
The Dwarf, the Giant, and the Unicorn: A Tale of King Arthur
- An unusual retelling of the Arthurian legend for ages 4-8.
A String in the Harp
- Nancy Bond's novel about a modern boy who finds a magical way to view scenes from Taliesin's life. Ages 9-12.
Library Binding
Puffin Newberry Library Edition
Turtleback (1987)
Turtleback (1996)
The Age of Chivalry: The Illustrated Bulfinch's Mythology
- This includes a classic, easily accessible summary of the Arthurian legends for juveniles and beginners.
Paperback (1998). (Includes Age of Fable and Legends of Charlemagne)
Paperback (1962). (Includes Age of Fable and Legends of Charlemagne)
Paperback set. (Includes Age of Fable and Legends of Charlemagne)
Hardcover (1987). (Includes Age of Fable and Legends of Charlemagne)
Hardcover (1989).
Hardcover (1993). (Includes Age of Fable and Legends of Charlemagne)
Reprint. (Includes Legends of Charlemagne)
Mass Market Paperback. (Includes Age of Fable and Legends of Charlemagne)
Turtleback. (Includes Age of Fable and Legends of Charlemagne)
Audio (1994).
Audio (1985).
The Third Magic
- Welwyn Wilton Katz has a fifteen-year-old descendent of Morgan Le Fey take on aliens in this novel for young adults.
The Boy's King Arthur: Sir Thomas Malory's History of King
Arthur and His Knights of the Round Table
- A children's version of Malory, edited by Sidney Lanier.
King Arthur and His Knights of the Round Table
- The 1977 juvenile edition of Malory, edited by Sidney Lanier.
The Tale of Sir Gawain
- Neil Philip retells the story of Sir Gawain for ages 4-8.
I Am Mordred: A Tale from Camelot
- Nancy Springer tells the legend of Camelot from Mordred's point of view in this novel for young adults.
The Winter Prince
- Elizabeth E. Wein retells the Camelot story from Mordred's point of view
for a young adult audience.
- Janet Yolen edited this juvenile rendition for ages 9 through 12.
- Screenwriter Charles Edward Pogue's novelization of his script.
- Juvenile book that accompanied the release of the movie.
Dragonheart: Junior Novelization
- Juvenile book for preteens that accompanied the release of the movie.
Dragonheart Activity Book
- Children's activity book that accompanied the release of the movie.
Dragonheart Fantasy Card-Game Book
- The first MUD book; based on the movie Dragonheart.
The Making of Dragonheart
- Not technically a novel, but it seemed to belong in with the other Dragonheart books <g>.
Quest for Camelot
This faulous juvenile series is written by a variety of authors.
Quest for Camelot
- The Quest for Camelot series from Scholastic Trade, aimed at ages 4 to 8.
The Search for Excalibur (Quest for Camelot)
- The Quest for Camelot characters look for the legendary sword; aimed at ages 4 to 8.
The Battle for Camelot (Quest for Camelot)
- An installment of the Quest for Camelot series from Scholastic Trade, aimed at ages 4 to 8.
Quest for Camelot (VHS)
- The animated movie, featuring Pierce Brosnan as the voice of King Arthur.
(Though this work is currently listed as no longer available in this format, Amazon
may still be able to obtain a copy for you.)

Spanish dubbed.
DVD format.
Stand-Alone Works
- Robert Nye's racy take on the Arthurian legend. There used to be a subtitle: "An Adult Fantasy" or something like that. This is not a book for children.
The Romance of Tristan and Iseult
- Joseph Bedier's retelling of the Tristan story.
Jurgen: A Comedy of Justice
- James Branch Cabell's protagonist encounters Guinevere, among a host of other characters, in this Pilgrim's Progress-type
novel from the early twentieth century.
Port Eternity
- C.J. Cherryh's wonderful tale of what happens when androids who are named Lancelot, Guinevere, Mordred and so forth get
their hands on a copy of Tennyson's Idylls of the King and start acting out the tale.
The Pendragon
- Catherine Christian's superb novel.
The Forever King
- Molly Cochran and Warren Murphy's tale about what happens when the Arthurian characters get
reincarnated in modern Chicago.
The Dragon Lord
- David Drake's historicization of the Arthurian legends.
The World of Camelot: King Arthur & the Knights of the Round Table
- Michael Foss's retelling of some of the best-known Arthurian legends. Hardcover.
The Dragon Waiting: A Masque of History
- John M. Ford's rendition of the Arthurian legend.
The Bear of Britain
- Edward Frankland offers his version of the Arthurian legend.
The Grail Tree
- Jonathan Gash makes use of the Grail legend in this mystery novel.
Paperback Reprint.
Large Print.
The Fisher King: The Book of the Film
- The companion book to Terry Gilliam's acclaimed film.
- The first book in Kim Headlee's Arthurian series. If you would like to contact the author about her work, you can reach her at or by visiting her website at
Sir Gawain and the Loathly Lady
- Selina Hastings's retelling of "Sir Gawain and the Green Knight" for ages 9-12; beautifully illustrated by Juan Wijngaard.
- This wonderful group of stories by Dierdre Headon contains some tales from the Arthurian legends;
illustrated by Julek Heller.
Percival and the Presence of God
- Jim Hunter's presentation of the Grail legend.
King & Raven
- Set in the thirteenth-century, this novel by Cary James follows the adventures of a young man
who goes to Arthur's court to seek revenge for his sister's rape.
- A feminist reading of the legends from Mary J. Jones.
Idylls of the Queen
- Sir Kay plays detective in this superb novel by Phyllis Ann Karr, author of The Arthurian Companion.
- Mitzi Kleidon's new take on the timeless tradition.
A Trace of Memory
- At first this novel by Keith Laumer does not appear to be Arthurian, but hang in there; about halfway through
the Arthurian material shows up.
Looking for Arthur: A Once and Future Travelogue
- Richard Leviton's autobiographical fiction in which a modern-day Grail knight explores the world of King Arthur.
Small World: An Academic Romance
- David Lodge uses the story of Perceval in this twist on the Arthurian tradition.
Reprint Edition.
The 21 Lessons of Merlyn: A Study in Druid Magic and Lore
- Douglas Monroe blends a fictional tale with descriptions of what he believes
are druidic magic techniques.
Queen's Champion: The Legend of Lancelot Retold
- Chris Newport retells the story of Lancelot in first person; the edition is beautifully illustrated
by Ron Rousselle III and Edward Beard Jr.
- Walter Percy's Classic rendition of the tale.
King Arthur & the Legends of Camelot
- Molly Perham tells the story from Merlin's point of view; illustrated by Julek Heller.
The Camelor Caper
- Elizabeth Peter's delightful spoof of the Camelot story.
Paperback. (The main listing is for the Mass Market Paperback.)
Guinevere: The True Story of One Woman's Quest for Her Past Life
Identity and the Healing of Her Eternal Soul
- Guinevere's reincarnation narrates Laurel Phelan's well-written novel.
Last Call
- Tim Powers uses the legend of Parsifal as part of this fanciful novel, where Bugsy Siegel is the
Fisher King and a supernatural game of poker is played with Tarot cards.
A Glastonbury Romance
- An enormous (1000+ pages) novel by John Cowper Powys.
The Last Pendragon
- Bedwyr narrates Robert Price's novel about what happened after Arthur's death.
- Not only is this a great update and retelling of the Arthurian legend, it is also
one of Fred Saberhagen's best Dracula books!
Camelot Fantastic
- Lawrence Schimel edited this fabulous short story collection.
Tortilla Flat
- John Steinbeck used Malory as a pattern for this classic novel.
Penguin Edition.
Novels and Stories, 1932-1937: The Pastures of
Heaven/to a God Unknown/Tortilla Flat/in Dubious Battle/of Mice and Men (Library of America, 72)
A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's
- Mark Twain at his satiric best as he takes on King Arthur and the
Knights of the Round Table.
The Wings of a Falcon
- A young adult historical novel by Cynthia Voigt, proposing what the "real" story of Camelot might
have been like for the purpose of showing how stories change with the retelling; this is the third book in a series of similar
War in Heaven
- Charles Williams, an associate of J.R.R. Tolkien and C.S. Lewis, wrote this dark novel.
Road to Avalon
- Joan Wolf's romantic retelling of the Arthurian legends puts some new twists on old relationships..
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