Dragonlords of Dumnonia

(Updated 12/19/2023)

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Rainbow Ribbon

The Rainbow Ribbon


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Legal Notices

Dragonlords of Dumnonia is a fan page, intended solely for the enjoyment of its members. It is not intended to infringe in any way upon the rights held by me, L.A. Malcor. The page operates under rules designed by me and is subject to my observation and/or direct intervention.

All files on this website are offered to Internet users free of charge under the following conditions: Internet users may maintain one electronic copy and one print copy of the file for use by members of the user's household. Permission to otherwise duplicate or "lend" any of these files without the author's written consent is expressly denied.

All artwork on this site is copyrighted to the credited artist, and permission must be obtained from that person before the art may be used elsewhere.

I believe all uncredited work to be in the public domain or covered by Creative Commons. If this is incorrect, message me at Shashtah@gmail.com and proper credit will be given or the work will be removed at once, whichever is the preference of the creator and/or the creator's legal representatives. (For copyright information on maps, contact me at Shashtah@gmail.com.) Buttons have been customized for this site by L.A. Malcor, using images that were offered for free from the former Here Be Dragons site and various archive sites. Some buttons are original designs by L.A. Malcor. You need to contact Dr. Malcor for permission information if you wish to use the buttons on your own site. Please do not link to artwork on this site. If an image is in the public domain, feel free to download it and upload it to your own site. We have a bandwidth limit, however, and if people use it up by linking to our images, we will have to remove the art.

Fanstories may be found at Scriptorium 101 (See above). Absolutely no duplication of these materials is permitted. An approved member may maintain one electronic copy and one print copy of the file for use by member and his/her household. Permission to otherwise duplicate or "lend" any of these materials without the author's written consent is expressly denied.

Based on the Centuria series: Dragon Heart, Dragon Sun, Dragon Voices, Dragon Dreams and other works as copyrighted by L.A. Malcor 1994/1995-present. Dragonlords of Dumnonia is a work of fiction; any similarities to actual people, organizations, places, or events is purely coincidental.


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