Heyla, Misty fans!
This month we continue series of interviews with the editors of the various Queen's Own fanzines and newsletters. The second editor we would like you to meet is Aurora Nelson of Golden Grove. (You'll find submission information below in the Fanzine section of this newsletter.) [Ed. Note: Aurora Nelson is no longer the editor of Golden Grove, 2/16/02.]
Herald-Mage Master Danya Winterborn and Healer Adept Moonstar
(Hours later, after going through every box in her room, she finds the answer . . . ) June 1995! I first requested info on QO January 1995 and debated joining a full year before that. You got nine issues, not eight, a year back then, and "Pros and Cons" had only been out a year. (My very first persona, Fox Vale Tayledras Scout Darkstar, was recognized September 1996.)
Well, the first sff (sci-fi/fantasy) I ever read was Anne McCaffrey. Once I had read all of her books, I went looking for something else just as interesting to read. I hadn't the slightest clue where to begin, so I decided to go for a co-author. My favorite book at the time was The Ship Who Searched, so I decided to check books by Mercedes Lackey out of the library. The only books they had by her at the time were the Vanyel books, which are a huge shock if you're a very innocent and oblivious twelve at the time. After that I went through all of her books as I found them. Misty and McCaffrey are still two of my four top favorite authors (I like too many). Lois McMaster Bujold and C.J. Cherryh are the other two.
Well, like I just said, Bujold and Cherryh. I love sci-fi best of all. I have this fascination with all things science. Considering the books I generally read, I'm always surprised that I like Misty's stuff as much as I do and that I'll still go out and buy the latest Valdemar hardcover. Brightly Burning was good, by the way <g>.
Well, that's easy: anything except Rap and Opera. I can rattle off all the radio stations around here on the FM. My best friend loves this, especially when we're in a car with no preset stations that she likes. On my shelves you can find anything from the latest pop hit to foreign imports to country to those store specials they sell at Target and the pet store.
Um, well . . . I've only been to one: FanimeCon. It's local. Don't worry; I'm going to more, but you're more likely to find me at a Ren Faire. (For one thing, they're cheaper. I don't end up spending over $100 there!)
Which incarnation? If you're referring to them all, well, I've always loved the personals and penads. They're so much fun to read. (And to leave messages in. This is how I ended up with "too many penpals", and knowing all the editors!) There also used to be a "Mentor" section that I liked the idea of, but it died long ago for lack of mentors.
Well, before I took over Golden Grove, I ran a 'zine called Don't Argue With the Voice. The co-editor and I had a fight over it (I won a year later, point proven. Sorry, had to say that.), and I gave it up. Golden Grove as run by Steph Anderson (the second incarnation of the CA chapter) had died a while back, and I kept hoping to see it restarted. When I finally got a mailbox, I did several things I'd wanted to do. I put a penad in QO and created a small booklet, entitled Sink or Swim, about starting a 'zine or newsletter. Since I had all the Golden Grove info (member list, who'd paid, who hadn't, etc.) and my best friend was responsible for the chapter's name, I just decided to get it going again with the same name. After running a fifty-page quarterly 'zine, a six-page newsletter didn't sound so hard.
A lot of scraping, looking for stuff to put in it. I consider e-mail jokes and funnies fair game, if I'm really desperate. If you're just starting (not even a year), expect to put a lot of your own stuff in there. I'm thankful I can draw and write (decently, nothing more). You also go begging a lot for submissions, and you have to be stubborn and keep going even when it seems like you're talking to no one. Other than that, it isn't that hard. You just have to stick with it and not let it crash, no matter how rotten you think your life is at the time. Putting out GG is probably a bit different than putting out any other newsletter or 'zine. I work on an old PowerMac. Cut and paste involves scissors and rubber cement and scanning a lot of typing and has nothing to do with artwork. Someday I will buy a good PC, a scanner/photocopier, and get Internet access. ::sigh:: I think it would only be worse if I was using a dot matrix printer or that fifty-year-old typewriter in the attic. (Actually, I've used both in the past but not for GG.)
Anything at all interesting. I don't limit anyone to Velgarth, and I like seeing an all-new world.
Nothing else fandom at the moment, really. If I can get enough interest generated, I'd like to start up a 'zine again. That's what those "Rea's Mysterious Project" ads a while ago were about. I'd like to see about thirty responses first, though. What it would turn out to be would depend on the people interested. I have several concepts in mind. Other than that, the only projects I'm working on are relearning how to 'blade, prepping to move, and putting my room back together now that I've torn it apart looking for old QO issues to answer the first questions. ::grin:: On a side note, if anyone wants to contact me, the best way to do so now will be by e-mail, but I won't check that until mid-September. My current addy will be good until the start of September, after which I'll let everyone know the new one.
Here are the faires we know about that are happening in September. Faires are indexed alphabetically by state. Have any information about any other Ren Faires in your area? Send it to us at Legend@malcor.com
GOLD COAST PIRATE FESTIVAL. Fax: 805-496-6036. E-mail: goldcoastprod@msn.com. Website: http://www.goldcoastfestivals.com. Address: 2509 Thousand Oaks Bl., Suite 351, Thousand Oaks, CA 91362. Dates: 9/23/00 - 9/24/00. Open/Close: 10:00 AM - 6:00 PM.
HANFORD CA, RENAISSANCE OF KINGS CULTURAL ARTS FAIRE. Fax: 559-582-1152. E-mail: info@RenOfKings.org. Website: http://www.RenOfKings.org. Address: Hanford, CA City Rec. Dept., Attn: D Terrell, 315 N Douty St., Hanford, CA 93230-3951. Site Address: Civic Auditorium Park, 400 North Douty Street, Hanford, CA 93230-3909. Dates: 9/30/00 - 10/01/00. Open/Close: 10:00 AM.
RENAISSANCE PLEASURE FAIRE OF NORTHERN CALIFORNIA. Fax: 707-453-0273. Website: http://www.renfair.com. Address: P.O. Box 7110, Nut Tree, CA 95696. Site Address: 1621 East Monte Vista Avenue, Vacaville, CA 95688. Dates: 9/02/00 - 10/15/00. Open/Close: 10:00 AM - 6:00 PM.
REN FAIRE - GENESEO SHAKESPEARE FESTIVAL . Contact: Jennifer Kingry, Tom Terry, 309-944-2119. Address: Richmond Hill Park, Geneseo, IL (Near the Quad Cities). Dates: 9/16/00, Open/Close: 10 AM - 5 PM.
SOUTHERN ILLINOIS RENAISSANCE FESTIVAL. Fax: 217-272-4432. E-mail: sirfest@aol.com. Address: P.O. Box 379, Hamel, IL 62046-0379. Site Address: University Dr., Edwardsville, IL. Dates: 9/16/00 - 9/24/00. Open/Close: 10:00 AM - 6:00 PM.
METEA RENAISSANCE FAIRE OF GREATER FORT WAYNE. Fax: 219-449-3181. E-mail: foxisland@mail.fwi.com. Address: 7324 Yohne Rd., Ft. Wayne, IN 46809-9744. Site Address: Metea County Park, 12621 Leo Rd., Ft. Wayne, IN 46825. Dates: 9/23/00 - 9/24/00. Open/Close: 10:00 AM - 5:00 PM.
IOWA RENAISSANCE FESTIVAL & HARVEST FAIRE. Fax: 515-357-5177. Address: 508 Fourth Ave North, Clear Lake, IA 50428-1610. Dates: 9/02/00 - 9/04/00. Open/Close: 11:00 AM - 6:00 PM.
GREAT PLAINS RENAISSANCE FESTIVAL. Fax: 520-447-2156. E-mail: info@eaglesrealm.8k.com. Website: http://www.eaglesrealm.8k.com. Address: P.O. Box 16326, Wichita, KS 67216. Site Address: Wiedemann Park, 1229 E. 85th St. N., Wichita, KS 67277. Dates: 9/30/00 - 10/01/00. Open/Close: 10:00 AM - 6:00 PM.
MARYLAND RENAISSANCE FESTIVAL. Fax: 410-573-1508. E-mail: rennfest@erols.com. Website: http://www.rennfest.com. Address: PO Box 315, Crownsville, MD 21032-0315. Dates: 8/26/00 - 10/22/00. Open/Close: 10:30 AM - 7:00 PM.
KING RICHARDS FAIRE. Fax: 612-238-9916. E-mail: info@kingrichardsfaire.net. Website: http://www.kingrichardsfaire.net. Address: P.O. Box 419, Route 58, Carver, MA 02330. Site Address: 235 S. Main St, Route 58, Carver, MA 02330. Dates: 9/02/00 - 10/22/00. Open/Close: 10:30 AM - 6:00 PM.
MICHIGAN RENAISSANCE FESTIVAL. Fax: 248-634-7590. E-mail: renfestmi@aol.com. Website: http://www.renaissancefest.com. Address: 12600 Dixie Highway, Holly, MI 48442. Site Address: 12500 Dixie Highway, Holly, MI 48442. Dates: 8/12/00 - 9/24/00. Open/Close: 10:00 AM - 7:00 PM.
MINNESOTA RENAISSANCE FESTIVAL. Fax: 612-445-7380. Website: http://www.renaissancefest.com. Address: 1244 S. Canterbury Rd., Ste. 306, Shakopee, MN 55379-8944. Dates: 8/12/00 - 9/24/00. Open/Close: 9:00 AM - 7:00 PM.
LAKEWOOD LIONS CHARITY RENAISSANCE FAIRE. E-mail: Dbroker@aol.com. Website: tp://community.nj.com/cc/lakewoodlions. Address: P.O. Box 1446, Lakewood, NJ 08701. Site Address: Pine Park, Lakewood, NJ. Dates: 9/16/00 - 9/17/00. Open/Close: 10:00 AM - 6:00 PM.
SILVER CITY RENAISSANCE FAIRE. E-mail: ravensong@gilanet.com. Website: http://www.gilanet.com/renfaire. Address: c/o Anna Ravensong, P.O. Box 1758, Silver City, NM 88062. Dates: 9/16/00 - 9/17/00. Open/Close: 10:00 AM - 6:00 PM.
NEW YORK RENAISSANCE FAIRE. Fax: 914-351-5646. E-mail: renfair@frontiernet.net. Website: http://www.frontiernet.net/~nyfair. Address: 600 Rt. 17A, Tuxedo, NY 10987. Site Address: RT. 17A, Sterling Forest, Tuxedo, NY 10987. Dates: 8/05/00 - 9/17/00. Open/Close: 10:30 AM - 7:00 PM.
RENAISSANCE FAIRE AT ST. BONAVENTURE. Fax: 716-375-2380. Address: Renaissance Faire Office of Publication, Rt. 417, St. Bonaventure, NY 14778. Dates: 9/23/00 - 9/24/00. Open/Close: 10:00 AM - 6:00 PM.
CAROLINA RENAISSANCE FESTIVAL. Fax: 704-896-5533. E-mail: carolinarenfest@royalfaires.com. Website: http://www.royalfaires.com. Address: P.O. Box 165, Davidson, NC 28036-0165. Site Address: 16445 Poplar Tent Rd., Huntersville, NC 28078-4620. Dates: 9/30/00 - 11/12/00. Open/Close: 10:00 AM - 5:30 PM.
OHIO RENAISSANCE FESTIVAL. Fax: 513-897-7003. E-mail: info@renfestival.com. Website: http://www.renfestival.com. Address: PO Box 68, Harveysburg, OH 45032-0068. Site Address: 317 Brimstone Rd., Wilmington, OH 45177-8531. Dates: 8/26/00 - 10/15/00. Open/Close: 10:30 AM - 6:00 PM.
SOUTHEASTERN OHIO RENAISSANCE FAIRE. E-mail: neverthelessprod@hotmail.com. Address: 1008 Woodlawn Ave., Cambridge, OH 43725. Dates: 9/23/00 - 9/24/00. Open/Close: 10:00 AM (Sat.)/ 11:00 AM (Sun.) - 6:00 PM.
GATES OF THYME RENAISSANCE FAIRE. E-mail: corbincampbell@gatesofthyme.org. Website: http://gatesofthyme.org. Address: P.O. Box 902, Lincoln City, OR 97367. Dates: 9/21/00 - 9/24/00. Open/Close: 10:00 AM - 6:00 PM.
SHREWSBURY RENAISSANCE FAIRE. E-mail: shrew@peak.org. Website: http://www.peak.org/shrewsbury. Address: P.O. Box 604, Philomath, OR 97370-0604. Site Address: Philomath Fair Grounds, 13th & Main St., Philomath, OR. Dates: 9/09/00 - 9/10/00. Open/Close: 10:00 AM - 6:00 PM. (Note: Firebird will be at this faire!)
GREATER PITTSBURGH RENAISSANCE FESTIVAL. Fax: 724-872-1670. E-mail: info@pgh-renfest.com. Website: http://www.pgh-renfest.com. Address: PO Box 1670, Greensburg, PA 15601. Site Address: 2100 Mt. Pleasant Rd., West Newton, PA 15089. Dates: 8/19/00 - 9/24/00. Open/Close: 10:30 AM - 6:30 PM.
PENNSYLVANIA RENAISSANCE FAIRE. Fax: 717-664-3466. E-mail: royalspk@parenaissancefaire.com. Website: http://www.parenfaire.com. Address PO Box 685, Cornwall, PA 17016-0685. Site Address: 83 Mansion House Road, Cornwall, PA 17016. Dates: 8/18/00 - 10/15/00. Open/Close: 10:00 AM - 6:30 PM.
TEXAS RENAISSANCE FESTIVAL. Fax: 936-894-2391. E-mail: info@texrenfest.com. Website: http://www.texrenfest.com. Address 21778 FM 1774, Plantersville, TX 77363. Dates: 9/30/00 - 11/12/00. Open/Close: 9:00 AM.
GREENSPIRE MEDIEVAL ARTS FESTIVAL. Website: http://www.blessed-sacrament.com/greenspire. Address: 5041 9th Ave. NE, Seattle, WA 98105. Dates: 9/09/00 - 9/10/00. Open/Close: 10:30 AM.
ONTARIO RENAISSANCE FESTIVAL. E-mail: orf@globalserve.net. Website: http://www.rennfest.com/orf/index.html. Address: PO Box 486, Milton, ON L9T-4Z1. Site Address: 6252 8th Line, Hornby, ON LOP 1EO. Dates: 7/29/00 - 9/10/00. Open/Close: 10:30 AM - 7:00 PM.
For additional Ren Faire information, visit the Renaissance Faire Homepage at http://www.renfaire.com/ and the Renaissance Magazine site at http://www.renaissancemagazine.com.
These are the upcoming cons we know about. (Living in California, that's what I usually get information on.) Have any information about conventions in your area? Send it to us at Legend@malcor.com.
WORLDCON (Chicon2000). Website: http://www.chicon.org. Where: Chicago. Dates: 8/3100 - 9/04/00.
For definitions of our fannish jargon, read the 12-page booklet "Pros & Cons: An Introduction to Fandom" written by Elizabeth Barrette. Send $1.00 and a $0.34 stamp (or $1.00 and 2 IRCs) to Queen's Own, P.O. Box 749, Laguna Beach, CA, 92652. Make checks payable to "Linda Malcor" in US funds only.
We have individual handouts for aspiring Heralds, Healers, Bards, Blues, Mercenaries, Tayledras, Shin'a'in, and White Winds Sorcerers/Sorceresses and instructions on how to work for Herald-Mage status if you are already a Herald or for a Kal'enedral if you are already a Shin'a'in. You can find these handouts online at http://www.dragonlordsnet.com/qohandouts.htm.
You need a release form (online at http://www.dragonlordsnet.com/qomlrel2.htm) if you write a story set in Misty's worlds or using any of her characters. You do not need a release for a character sketch, poem or filk. All Misty wants to do is protect her characters and her worlds. Send the release form (you do NOT need to include the story) to Misty c/o High Flight Arts and Letters, P.O. Box 2970, Claremore, OK 74017. Do NOT include the original of the release form with your persona material; send it to Misty. Send a copy to us.
All personae materials should be sent to the QO address.
I love seeing all the new art coming our way. Queen’s Own is lucky to have so many talented artists among us. I have noticed that art created with a No. 2 pencil looks a little washed out sometimes after being scanned and copied and/or printed. So, I have a special request to our artists. Please, please try to draw with darker artists' pencils, or charcoal (or in color, if you get really ambitious "G". We don't have to limit ourselves to black and white now that the newsletter is online.). This will enable us to see the art clearly. Continue drawing everyone, I can’t wait to see what we get next.
I also want announce the first issue of The Compass Rose. You can view the new Queen's Own-sponsored nonfiction journal online at http://www.dragonlordsnet.com/crtoc.htm. This journal includes great articles on a variety of topics and several reviews of books, movies, a CD, and more! If you have something you would like to contribute to a future issue, you can find our guidelines at http://www.dragonlordsnet.com/qojournal.htm.
The newsletter is routinely posted to the Net. If you are concerned about your address falling into unfriendly hands, don't place a fan message! You may answer fan messages without ever placing one yourself. The editors reserve the right to edit--and shorten!--all messages. (Remember to tell your Post Office about your alternative name if you wish to receive mail addressed to your persona at an addressed where you receive mail under your real name.)
The only "fee" for a fan message is to write to two other people. If your mailbox is empty, don't complain--write letters!
Queen's Own is the official Mercedes Lackey Appreciation Society. Our purpose is to share our enjoyment of Misty's worlds. We are a fan-run not-for-profit organization, not a business. Our address of publication: P.O. Box 749, Laguna Beach, CA 92652 USA. This newsletter is published solely to inform and entertain the club's membership; no infringement of anyone's copyrights is intended.
Newsletters are published on (or near) the first of each month.
Co-Editor/Co-President Herald-Mage Master Danya Winterborn (L.A. Malcor; AOL-IM SN Shashtah; Legend@malcor.com)
Co-Editor/Co-President Healer Adept Moonstar (Kendra Renaud; AOL-IM SN healermoon; healermoon@gmail.com)
The featured artists for the online version of the newsletter are Laura Cameron, Jon Myre, Jamie Dutton and Danielle DiFronzo. All drawings in this newsletter are © to the credited artist. All rights reserved. If you would like your art to be featured in the online version of the QO newsletter, send .gifs or .jpgs to Legend@malcor.com or hardcopy to Queen's Own, P.O. Box 749, Laguna Beach, CA 92652.
Mercedes Lackey does not receive mail at the Queen's Own address. Fanmail to Mercedes Lackey and releases for fan fiction should be sent to:
Mercedes Lackey
c/o High Flight Arts and Letters
P.O. Box 2970
Claremore, OK 74017
Herald-Mage Master Danya Winterborn and
Healer Adept Moonstar