Queen's Own
Mercedes Lackey Fan Club

P.O. Box 749
Laguna Beach, CA 92652 USA

Series 1, Vol. IV, No. 8
May 1991

(Note: These are excerpts from the original newsletter that was published on this date. The Queen's Own address has been updated. The current President of Queen's Own is Herald-Mage Adept Danya Winterborn. For more information, see http://www.dragonlordsnet.com/qo.htm.)

[Begin Excerpt]

[Ed. Note 2003: The header on the original of this newsletter reads April, but since we already had one newsletter for April 1991 and since the next newsletter in the series in June 1991, we're guessing that this one came out in May 1991.]

QO Crest

Dear Misty Fans,

Winds of Fate, the first of The Mage Winds trilogy, has nine illustrations and two maps by Larry Dixon. The release date for this hardcover is still some time in October.

Misty will have short stories in Horsefantastic, edited by Andre Norton and Martin Greenberg (the tale of how Alberich was Chosen); Catfantastic III, titled "A Tale of Two Skitties" and Dragonfantastic. The latter two anthologies are edited by Andre Norton, and none will be available before 1992.

Words from Misty:

"My partner, sf artist Larry Dixon, and I were married in December. I have one brother, Scott, who just got married to one of my best friends, whcih I find very convenient! My father was one of the first commercial computer programmers, so there are a lot of reasons for me to be in sf! Both my father and mother encouraged me to read anything I could get my hands on, and to think for myself, and they continue to be incredibly supportive of my writing career and are terribly proud of me. My father even goes into bookstores, sneaks into the SF section and puts my books fave-out!

"I write now because I have to; I couldn't not write. It's an addiction; fortunately one that brings money in rather than costing money! I write out of a deep need to tell a story, a good story--one that will touch people the way books I read touched me. I'm not entirely certain that writers have much of anything in common with each other except for that addiction; certainly all the writers I have met have had personalities as wildly varied as any random group of people."

(More to come in the next newsletter, I promise.)

Larry hails from Tulsa, Oklahoma by way of Gayetteville, North Carolina. His handiwork can be seen in publications from Bard Games, TriTac Games, TSR, Steve Jackson Games, Eclipse and Marvel comics. His work has been featured in four issues of FUSION. You can see his pewter jewelry and miniature sculptures in the Firebird catalog. He's completed his freelance project for Origin Systems; Wing Commander II is due out around the end of the year. His collaboration with Misty, Born to Run, is the first book of The SERRAted Edge series.

Back to Misty, this time via GEnie (and thanks to Michelle Luz, our GEnie reporter):

"The true story of 'Threes' and the infamous Bard Leslac. Back before I had sold any prose, I was writing filk; there was a tape project about 'uppity wimmen' I was asked to contribute to. I wrote 'Threes' on the plane on the way to San Fransisco and gave my publisher the only copy I had. Subsequently I decided to write it as a short story--but I forgot exactly who did what . . . and got the stuff bassackwards. I had to concoct a plot reason WHY it was bassackwards, and thus invented the Bard Leslac. Who then took on a life of his own, invaded Oathbreakers and even got his own short story."

The Firebird Flyer, the special Mercedes Lackey edition, for Misty's books, tapes, and lots more. It's available from [Ed. note 2003: Out-of-date information withheld. Firebird's website is at http://www.firebirdarts.com.].

"Truth is stranger than fiction" department: The Jet Propulsion Laboratory is looking for goddesses! Or at least, their names. At their July meeting scientists will begin naming the physical features of the planet Venus and have determined to name all features after females, fictional or real, with preference being given to goddesses. They want names from around the world (and other-worldly). Send your list, with a brief description of your nominated deities. The address is: [Ed. note 2003: Out-of-date information withheld.] Thanks to Debbie Sanders for the information.

The prints of The Last Herald Mage covers are available now from Jody Lee, the cover artist. They are magnificent! "Magic's Pawn," "Magic's Promise," and "Magic's Price" each have an edition run of 350. The prints don't look exactly like the covers because they are not on foil paper; with proper care the photoprints will far outlast the foil paperback covers. And I repeat, they are magnificent! [Ed. note 2003: Out-of-date pricing and order information withheld.]

Back to Misty, this time via GEnie (and thanks to Michelle Lutz, our GEnie reporter) to answer a frequently asked question:

"A 'filksong' is a folk song about a fantasy/sf topic. some are very good. Some are very awful. I started out as a filksong writer. The reason they are called filk is because of a typo. Back in the days of the first LA worldcon, one of the local SF fanzines wrote a general article for neos (people new to fandom--ed.) so that they would know what they would find. This was in the days of mimeographs, and typos frequently were left uncorrected. The writer mentioned people getting togehter and singing sf FOLK songs, but 'I' is very close to 'O' (as I know to my sorrow) and there was a typo. It stayed. The problem was that it was the silly season, and the LA Times picked up the entire article for the Sunday supplement. Typo and all. FILK stuck."

Convention News

Misty is DAW's featured author at the ABA weekend, June 1-4, in Manhattan. Unfortunately, the weekend is not open to the public. However, she and Larry hope to arrive in New Jersey the previous weekend (in their new RV) to spend some time with me. If you live nearby, and heavy traffic doesn't daunt you, come visit us Saturday afternoon, May 25th, from 1 to 5 PM. Call for directions. Upper Montclair is west of the Parkway--I have a nagging feeling that I reserved dircetions for somebody!

"To all Northern California QO members (or any who can make it): Heyla! Hiya! Hoya! Come one, come all to the 2 in 1 Bay Area Get-Together. There will be a pot luck brunch on Saturday, May 25 and 11:00 AM in a private party room. No need to attend the Con to come to the brunch (but it makes the weekend a whole lot funner!). For more information regaring the get-together, please contact [Ed. note 2003: Out-of-date information withheld.]. For more infor on BayCon '91, [Ed. note 2003: Out-of-date information withheld.].

DeepSouthCon29/ConCat 3 is June 7-9 at [Ed. note 2003: Out-of-date information withheld.].

Louisville, Kentucky is the place to be August 2-4. Misty and Larry will not be attending but the local QO folk are planning a "con-within-a-con". Lois McMaster Bujold is Rivercon's Guest of Honor; Emma Bull is toastmaster. For more information, [Ed. note 2003: Out-of-date information withheld.].

For us Northeasterners I recommend CONTRADICTION 11, September 27-29 at [Ed. note 2003: Out-of-date information withheld.]. This looks like an excellentaly run con, with fun for all ages and interests.

For the Northwest, there's dreamcon 6, November 1-3 at [Ed. note 2003: Out-of-date information withheld.].

Hello from Herald Housemother:

Misty's birthday is June 24th! You can send her a card in care of the QO post office box. Leave me room for the forwarding address, and I'll send it on its way immediately. Last year I secretly collected snapshots of members and put them in an album for her. No reason to be sneaky this year--if you're not in the birthday album, send me a picture. Snapshots can be of you as Herald or mundane; include your cats, dogs, horses, little brothers . . . . whatever. (Send me two picutres if you can; I'd like an album, too!)

Most fan related activities--conventions, zines, newsletters, etc.--are run on limited budgets. Always send a SASE (legal size if possible) when requesting information! If you don't have an extra envelope, send an address label and stamps. Unsure of the amount of postage? Extra stamps are always appreciated, especially if they are not glued to the envelope. Many organizations reluctantly toss letters into the recycling bin if they don't include SASE's.

Collegium Registry:

Welcome, Herald Calandra and her twin, Herald Carrana. Cala and Carran were Chosen by the stallion Dorian and the mare Sari. Carran's gifts are Mindspeech and Fetching; Cala's are Mindspeech, Farsight, and Animal Mindspeech. Iris Mori sent a Herald/Companion list, the biographies of her two Heralds, and background stories of a cousing and a friend. A picture of each character was included.

Welcome, Herald Katri, chosen by the Companion Astanzi. Katri's gifts are Mindspeech and a form of Healing. She is of the Wanderer tribe and has four sisters. Jessalyn Lynch sent information on them and Katri's friends, as well as a story, two sketches, and a snapshot of herself riding her horse, Captain.

Welcome, Herald Mykal, chosen by Quixor, and with the gift of Fetching. Dwane Lay sent information on Mykaland his friend Murdock, a poem and a story.

Welcome, Herald Coranna, chosen by the stallion Aramara, and now a White Winds Sorceress. [Name withheld.]/i> presented a very logical tale of how a Herald of Valdemar could become a Sorceress without jeopardiing her responsibilities to the Crown. She included a costume design, map, and biographical inofrmation on Coranna and friends.

Welcome, Herald Annellan Sunrider, chosen by Teira, and with the gifts of Empathy and strong Thoughtsensing. Rebecca Sims sent background information on Annellan and Herald Rennan Deltarron, the story of how they were chosen, a sketch, and a poem.

Welcome, Herald Annilesse Finnthangann, chosen by the mare Mieras. Katie Finneran tells us Anni's gifts are Mindspeech, Fetching and Healing. She sent biographical information on Anni and the minstrel Gianne, and a story.

Welcome, to our second set of twins, Heralds Tanthys Kennan and Tassanta Arah Tsornmar. Tanner and Tass were chosen by Colluth and Farlie. Tanner's gifts are Mindspeech, strong Fetching, and Animal Mindspeech. Tass's are strong Mindspeech, Farsight and a dollop of Empathy. Noah Kenneally sent biographical information on the twins and their family, a map, the family seal, and poems, including bedtime prayers.

Welcome, Herald Kemah Leigh, chosen by Blaize. Tammy Hafen tells us Kemah's gifts are Mindspeech, Animal Mindspeech and a Wild Talent. She sent background material about him and his family, drew pictures of him and his lifebonded and wrote a story.

Welcome, Herald Tamino, chosen by Salyna, and with the gifts of Mindspeech, Foresight and a touch of Healing. Cari Woolveridge sent material on Tamino and Jani, his lifebonded and two stories.

Welcome, Herald Destre, chosen by the stallion Morgan, and gifted with strong Mindspeech. Sue Fry sent stories, maps and three poems.

Welcome, Bard Jilayna. Karen Dove tells us Jilayna has the as yet undeveloped talent of Mindspeech. She will not be Chosen but is lifebonded to Herald Reine. Karen sent songs as well as Jilayna's story.

Welcome, Herald Talavis de Elevim, chosen by Ardatha. Cathy Timura tells us Tala's gifts are Mindspeech, Firestarting and Fetching. Cathy sent a timeline, map, Herald/Companion list, and five stories.

In celebration of Wendy Sparkes's birthday, we welcome Herald Tarre, chosen by Zanya and gifted with Mindspeech and Farsight combined with Fetching. Wendy sent us background information on Tarre and her home valley and its inhabitants, as well as maps, a story and photos of Tarre in her Whites.

Welcome, Herald Garath Ketrevon, chosen by Layla. Garath's gifts are Mindspeech, Getching and Farsight. Jeff Sahaida developed two characters, drew a map and wrote a story.

Welcome, Herald Jehiaden "Jenden" Zari, chosen by Kaivel. Jenden's gifts are strong Animal Mindspeech and Mindspeech. Ladonna King sent biographies, a story, three sketches, and a cartoon.

Welcome, Minstrel-Trainee Lassirius! Kathleen Notestine sent a story, four poems/songs, plans of Rius's house, an explanation of the family crest, sketches, persona sheets and letters home.

Welcome, Herald Loreiayne, chosen by Myan. Elaine Bough tells us Lorelayne's gifts are Mindspeech and Fetching. Elaine sent stories, poems, a recipe, and a drawing.

Welcome, Herald Andron Nevarrene, chosen by Zephyr, and gifted with Mindspeech and Fetching. Paige Dorsey sent snapshots of herself on her horse Stardust, and a map of Andron's town, a sketch of his Companion and a story.

Welcome, Herald Vorrazandra, chosen by Peldane. Vorra's gifts are strong Mindspeech, Foresight and Empathy. B.J. Van Look sent two stories, a portrait of Vorra, two songs, lettering for the newsletter, and a symbol of the Shin'a'in Goddess.

Welcome, Herald Rae, chosen by Delwyn, and gifted with Empathy and Mindspeech. Lisa Huber sent a story, three poems and a sketch.

Welcome, Herald Selenna Clasty Barsc, chosen by Whitlyn. Margaret Sallee says Selenna's gifts are Healing, Fetching and Mindspeech. Margaret sent "stat sheets" for Selenna and her friends, a Herald/Companion list and a story.

Our Trainees are a varied lot, with very individual personalities and talents. What will happen to all the Herald material eventually? More about that in future newsletters.

Chapter and Zine News

From Shirlene Ananayo [Ed. note 2003: Out-of-date subscription information withheld.]:

Calling all chapters, newsletter and zine editors, special projects people, mentors! Please send me a letter or postcard with your group or publication, subscription rates, frequency of meetings or mailings, and address for contact persons. I am compiling a comprehensive listing to be made available to all.

We need this listing! Please cooperate!

(And I need monthly "press releases" from you if you want your club or zine listed in the newsletter!)

Fan Messages

Fan messages are for the convenience of those who wish to write to others. The QO membership list is not made available to anyone else, not even Firebird Arts and Music, but please remember that a sample issue of the newsletter is sent to anyone who requests informatino on the club. If you place a fan message I can't guarantee that it will be seen only by QO members. The "fee" is still the same: if you place a fan message, you must write to at least one other person who has a message in the issue where yours appears.

[Ed. Note 2003: Fan messages are not being posted online because of the personal information they contained.]


[Ed. Note 2003: Personals are not being posted online because of the personal information they contained. Remainder of the newsletter was out-of-date contact info, and has been withheld.]

[Ed. note 2003: Out-of-date subscription information withheld.]

Queen's Own is the official Mercedes Lackey Appreciation Society. We are a not-for-profit organization. Address of publication: [Ed. note 2003: Out-of-date information withheld.]. This newsletter is published solely to inform and entertain the club's membership; no infringement of anyone's copyrights is intended.

Editor, President, Dogsbody, Housemother--Judith Louvis [Ed. note 2003: Out-of-date information withheld.]
Archivist, Registrar, Organizer extraordinaire--Patricia Riggs
Mailing Day Helpers (last issue)--Suzanne Brenner and Robin and Louis Gladeau.

The Return of the Pun!

Rebecca Sims asks "What do you call a Herald who can't find his Companion? A Chooser Loser!"

Wind to Thy Wings!


[End Excerpt]

Queen's Own is the official Mercedes Lackey Appreciation Society. Our purpose is to share our enjoyment of Misty's worlds. We are a fan-run not-for-profit organization, not a business. Our address of publication: P.O. Box 749, Laguna Beach, CA 92652 USA. This newsletter is published solely to inform and entertain the club's membership; no infringement of anyone's copyrights is intended.

Newsletters are published on (or near) the first of each month.

Editor/President Herald-Mage Adept Danya Winterborn (L.A. Malcor; AOL-IM SN Shashtah; Legend@malcor.com)

Mercedes Lackey does not receive mail at the Queen's Own address. Fanmail to Mercedes Lackey and releases for fan fiction should be sent to:

Mercedes Lackey
c/o High Flight Arts and Letters
P.O. Box 2970
Claremore, OK 74017


Herald-Mage Adept Danya Winterborn

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