(Note: These are excerpts from the original newsletter that was published on this date. The Queen's Own address has been updated. The current President of Queen's Own is Herald-Mage Adept Danya Winterborn. For more information, see http://www.dragonlordsnet.com/qo.htm.)
[Begin Excerpt]
Dear Misty fans:
Welcome sweet springtime!!
Please accept my heartfelt apologies for the lateness of this issue. Circumstances beyond my control [including an abscessed tooth] combined in such a way that they also threw Judith's scheduled help from Barbara Fletcher [who travels here all the way from Norristown, PA, to help] out the window.
I must also ask your indulgence should there be an abnormal number of typographical errors and/or omissions. Under more normal circumstances I would have taken more time to check and double-check.
MORE HERALDS HAVE JOINED OUR RANKS! Judith and I continue to be delighted and amazed by the imagination and talent displayed in the material we've been sent. I am also very complimented that we have been allowed to share what for many of our Heralds are their first non-school related efforts at fiction writing. Some of you have asked, "What now?" Now, dear hearts, you fly! You've taken the first, and hardest, step. Offering your work to zines like those of Stephanie and Nathan [also referred to as R. Nathanie] will further try you wings. And now it gives me great pleasure to introduce . . .
A NOTE FROM DAW Executive Vice President Elsie B. Wollheim asked us to inform Nami Sasaki "and all Japanese Misty fans" that DAW signed a contract with Shakai Shinso Sha, Tokyo, JAPAN, in late August to translate and publish Misty's ARROWS OF THE QUEEN! I'm so excited about it that I have goosebumps just writing about it. Elsie did remind us though that "translation does take a lot of TIME", so we must urge patience on the parts of those fans and fans-to-be in Japan.
ARE YOU SITTING DOWN? Elsie also said, " New writers can write to DAW Books, Inc. for our guidelines and a copy of our catalog. (No charge for either.)" [Ed. Note 2002: Old address withheld.] Go for it!
LEST I FORGET, Elsie also sent, "A warm hug to all Misty fans!" [You can add Judith's and mine to that one and consider yourselves well appreciated!]
The February issue of LOCUS, in "Short Reviews" by Scott Winnett, included comments on MZB's DOMAINS OF DARKOVER, due out this month, an original anthology of 17 stories; "These are more of the usual fare, but two are standouts: 'An Object Lesson' by Mercedes Lackey is one of the best Free Amazon tales I've ever read . . . " So there you are, children, another Misty read while waiting for MAGIC'S PRICE. It should help stave off Misty withdrawal pangs.
CHRIS JOHNSON, as mentioned in February's issue, has come through with what we believe to be an incredible consolidation and clarification of those criteria we are using for becoming a Herald! After an exchange of letters and telephone calls, Chris sent me, by Express Mail, THE HELPFUL HANDOUT OF HOW TO BECOME A HERALD. It is a model of clarity and brevity, [and a copy may be obtained by sending Judith your request along with a SASE.]
Some of you will note some changes and/or adjustments from what Misty originally wrote. However, Judith and I think they are minor, and, as they were specifically, in the main, in regard to asking you to help us in one form or another, we felt able to make them with a clear conscience. Chris was understanding enough to edit his work accordingly.
One area where we had some doubts, and therefore left it, was in the extra credit for starting a fan/newsletter. Before you consider trying this, I would suggest that you contact [Ed. Note 2002: Zines mentioned are no longer in existence. For current zines and their editors, see http://www.dragonlordsnet.com/qofanfic.htm.] There's more involved than it may appear. Both newsletters were established as offshoots of fan clubs, and initially were a way to introduce and keep members in touch with one another and let them know of local cons and other areas of interest not covered herein.
Nancy Sloop wrote, on behalf of herself and daughter Ginny. "We are really looking forward to the Persona Guide promised in the February issue--bless Chris Johnson's heart! That will be a big help to all of us potential Heralds. I tried to glean what I could from your newsletters and set it up in list form, but it will be wonderful to see if I missed anything."
Judith and I once again thank Chris for making the difficult look easy, and point out that this is what Caroline and Christa have done as well. I would hopt that if you too like and appreciate what they've done you'll let them know, as you have us. It's very rewarding when someone ways "thank you," "well done," or "I like what you've done." [Almost as good as a hug.]
SPEAKING OF FEED-BACK, a number of you have been good enough to write that you not only don't think dues are a bad idea, you think they're a good idea. Some of you even suggested that we should have asked for dues some time ago. To that I can only reply that it takes some of us a little longer . . . .
A QUICK THANK YOU to those who sent us St. Patrick's Day cards. It's one of those times when the unexpected elicits a smile.
IF YOU WISH TO SEND SOMETHING TO MISTY, Judith asks that you address it to [Ed. Note 2002: Out-of-date contact info omitted. See contact information below.] "Leave me room on the right side of the envelope for the forwarding address, and I will take care of it before I leave the post office. I DO NOT open Misty's mail! When I receive something addressed to 'Queen's Own' that has scribbled on the back, 'To be given directly to Mrs. Lackey, no interference please,' I am insulted enough to be tempted to throw it in the trash. Of course I didn't, but I would like that person to at least reimburse me the 65¢ for the stamp and envelope I had to use. You may do it anonymously. I don't care to know who you are." [Ed. Note 2002: Please do not send personal mail for Misty to the Queen's Own address. Send all fanmail for Mercedes Lackey to High Flight Arts and Letters, P.O. Box 2970, Claremore, OK 74017. Anything that comes to the QO mailbox in California addressed to Queen's Own is opened on the assumption that it is really for Queen's Own. (We trust you to follow instructions and use the correct address for the correct type of mail.) If, however, the contents turn out to be fanmail, we send it on to Misty at High Flight instead of returning it to the person who sent it. That, however, costs us money. Since we don't charge dues, the money for the postage and envelopes required to forward misaddressed mail comes out of our pockets (plus, we don't feel comfortable opening mail that really isn't for us.). Please, help us by sending Misty's mail to the High Flight address and QO mail to the QO address.]
It seems that it is time for another reminder that Judith and I, with occasional help from her friends with the mailing of the fanletter, are Queen's Own. There is no staff and we aren't staff--no one, neither Misty nor DAW Books, Inc., pays us. To date the cost to us has not been covered, even with some of the generous contributions many of you have sent--for February's issue alone, ± 2,000 sheets of paper, ±500 envelopes, ±500 mailing labels, xerox machine supplies, not to mention Post Office Box rent, etc.
To contribute not just the cost of the newsletter but the time involved has become a major consideration. To have it suggested that Judith might tamper with Misty's private [which would not only be rude but is a Federal offense] is totally uncalled for and I would suggest that the person responsible not only owes her 65¢ but an abject apology as well, anonymously or otherwise. To more pleasant things . . .
Natasha Wendt wrote Judith to add to the information Patrick McKinnion offered on white breeches. The three businesses which are listed offer catalogs for about $2, and "are chock full of horse stuff." She has also, bless her, included some price rances.
[Ed. Note 2002: Out-of-date inforamtion omitted.]
"There are many brands, colors, styles--everything from 'self-patch', where the knee patch is the same fabric at the breech, to leather/suqede knee patches, and full seat breeches that are absolutely dreamy to ride in," Natasha said. On top of which, she offered to answer any type of horse question anyone might like to direct to her. [Ed. Note 2002: Address withheld.]
Continuing the spirit of caring and sharing, Pamela Sayre reminded us that Misty gave a pronunciation guide in Appendix One of OATHBREAKERS, Volume II of Vows and Honor. "It is limied to Shin'a'in terms," she noted, "but could easily be expanded to include Tayledras." Thank you, Pamela.
CREDIT WHERE CREDIT IS DUE is herewith tendered to Stephanie Wong for making extraordinary and viable adjustments to her standards and guidelines for ARROW'S MESSAGE in order to allow more aspiring authors the opportunity to be included in her zine.
Stephanie writes, "I've come to slowly realize that the existing guidelines for ARROW'S MESSAGE are much too harsh and unreasonable. After taking a different point of view, I've written a new and more lenient set of guidelines. For those poor souls who were unfortunate enough to read the previous ones, my fervent apologies. Please write again for the new set.
"For those of you who have dabbled (if not more than dabbled) in Misty's world, especially those who are currently working on your personas, please write also. I would like to print your accomplishments int he zine and share them with the rest of us Misty fans. The zine's purpose is to further our love for Misty's work through our own creations . . . . "
The first 12 page "mini-zine" edition of ARROW'S MESSAGE will have come "hot off the press" by the time this reaches you. Judith and I regret that we weren't able to tell you sooner, as Stephanie had asked Judith to let you know so that you could order by March 21, but normally I start the final draft of each month's issue about mid-month, thereby allowing Judith at least two weekends for the copying and mailing processes, and this month I took even longer unfortunately.
For a copy of her new guidelines, please send Stephanie a SASE and 25¢ in coin for copying costs. I strongly recommend that you place the quarter between two pieces of cadboard or 3 X 5" cards which are then stapled or taped together. Otherwise, it may not reach her. For a copy of the first issue, [Ed. note 2002: Out-of-date info omitted.] [It's not wise to send cash if it can be avoided, unfortunately.] [Ed. note 2002: Out-of-date info omitted.]
TALES OF VALDEMAR AND BEYOND, Nathan Waldbauer writes, will have a September 1st deadline for November publication. Nathan noted that he's recently received an increased number of requests for his guidelines and some beautiful artwork in addition to written material. Without naming names, [you know who you are,] I hope that Nathan as well as Stephanie will be on the receiving end of some of the HErald material I've had the privilege to see--poems, lyrics, Heralds' and Companions' portraits and stories.
ONCE BURNED, TWICE SHY? Don't be! If you were one of those who sent material to the-one-whose-name-will-not-be-mentioned and were disappointed, and have hterefore hesitated to even request guidelines from Nathan or Stephanie for fear of being disappointed again, I want to urge and encourage you to lift up your chins, throw back your shoulders, and get out those stamps and envelopes!
As Judith says, "There is no failure, only feedback."
PERSONALS offer fans the opportunity to direct a message to specific individual[s]. They are for special situations and/or circumstances. There is no charge.
[Ed. Note 2002: Personals are not included in the online version of the newsletter because of the private information they contained.]
FANMESSAGES offer fans the opportunity to introduce themselves to other fans. THey cannot be used as advertisements of products or for personal aggrandizement. No statements, references, or innuendos regarding race, religion, politics, ethnicity, or sexual preference will be included except by mistake. Please type or print messages and abbreviate nothing.
[Ed. Note 2002: Fanmessages are not included in the online version of the newsletter because of the private information they contained.]
Christa Miller, of Heralds Hall of California and California Arrow fame, [see page 2], wrote suggesting that some of you might be interested in a listing of all of Misty's works. Thoughtful lady that she is, Christa asked if I planned on putting one in QO and, if not, if she could let you know that you might get a copy of same from her by requesting the November issue of Arrow.
If you are interested, please do her the courtesy of sending her not only a SASE with your request but also 25¢ to help offset her costs of reproducing it for you. You might also want to re-read my suggestion on how to send coins by mail on Page 4.
We don't think Christa will mind if we also mention a note in the February-MArch issue of Arrow that Patricia Riggs is putting together a list of all fan clubs and groups that would interest Queen's Own members--such as author fans clubs, SCA groups, gaming groups, etc. If you have any group or club you think should be included, send the information to Christa or Patricia Riggs [Ed. Note 2002: Address withheld.].
I know that in the February issue I declared the subject of how one describes oneself closed, but I ask your indulgence for including the following . . .
From Nancy Sloop, who wrote, "If the world is told too often how insane, crazy, weird, etc., a person is because h/she feels they don't htink or act like the people immediately surrounding them, some day h/she may wake up to find the world believed them and there may be unpleasant consequences. It could become a self-fulfilling prophecy. Besides, if seems almost a mockery of those who really do have mental problems to describe yourself as insane when it's only a matter of loving science fiction/fantasy, or anything not necessarily main-stream . . . After all, if you don't think well of yourself, why should anyone else?" I added the emphasis in italics with the hope that Nancy won't mind. And thank her for her comments.
Vicki Stephens included the following in a letter to Judith . . .
We are measured
Not by what we are,
But by the perception
Of what se seem to be;
Not by what we say,
But how we are heard;
Not by what we do, but
How we appear to do it.
Thank you, Vicki. As I finish this, my final, Queen's Own, I can only hope that I have measured up, these past two plus years, well. I tried my best.
Bright blessings and wind to thy wings,
Judith Louvis and Sally Paduch
Queen's Own is about sharing our enjoyment of Misty's books and music and caring ofr and about each other.
The next newsletter may be mailed out in six to eight weeks instead of four, and it may be mostly fan messages, but don't worry, Misty and I will keep in touch. Please be patient with me as I attempt to re-organize my life to find some of that ever elusive commodity, "spare" time.
Bright blessings,
[End Excerpt]
Queen's Own is the official Mercedes Lackey Appreciation Society. Our purpose is to share our enjoyment of Misty's worlds. We are a fan-run not-for-profit organization, not a business. Our address of publication: P.O. Box 749, Laguna Beach, CA 92652 USA. This newsletter is published solely to inform and entertain the club's membership; no infringement of anyone's copyrights is intended.
Newsletters are published on (or near) the first of each month.
Editor/President Herald-Mage Adept Danya Winterborn (L.A. Malcor; AOL-IM SN Shashtah; Legend@malcor.com)
There was no art for this edition of the newsletter. If you have a clue who they were, please contact Herald-Mage Adept Danya at Legend@malcor.com. If you would like your art to be featured in the online version of the QO newsletter, send .gifs or .jpgs to Legend@malcor.com or hardcopy to Queen's Own, P.O. Box 749, Laguna Beach, CA 92652.
Mercedes Lackey does not receive mail at the Queen's Own address. Fanmail to Mercedes Lackey and releases for fan fiction should be sent to:
Mercedes Lackey
c/o High Flight Arts and Letters
P.O. Box 2970
Claremore, OK 74017
Herald-Mage Adept Danya Winterborn