Queen's Own
The Official Mercedes Lackey Fan Club

P.O. Box 749
Laguna Beach, CA 92652 USA

Series 3, Vol. 4, No. 3
March 1, 2003


Heyla, Misty fans!

New release: Joust, the first book in Misty’s newest fantasy series, will be released on March 4th! This time the fantasy culture is inspired by ancient Egypt. You can preorder your copy through the link at:


Remember, a portion of all sales through the Dragonlords’ Bookstore goes to QO. This is how we keep our memberships free, so we really appreciate your support.

Columbia disaster: The Science Fiction Writers of America have posted a response to the Columbia disaster at http://www.nyx.net/columbia. (Both Misty and Larry are SFWA members.) It’s well worth the time it takes to read.

E-mail addresses: Please keep your e-mail addresses up to date! We can’t send you the newsletter if we don’t have a current e-mail address for you. Also, if your account starts bouncing mail to one of our lists, you will be changed to digest mode. If that does not fix the problem, you will be removed from the list and have to subscribe again when the trouble with your account is fixed. (Our server is very cranky about bounced mail.)

Mentors: Does anyone remember the QO Mentor program? The club used to have people who volunteered to answer questions in various fields, including Star Trek fandom, the Society for Creative Anachronism (SCA), costuming ideas, filk, Role-Playing Games (RPGs), horseback riding, writing, Robin Hood, and Pern fandom. Would you like to start up this program again? If so, would you like this program to be through the QO website or a part of our Delphi forum? Are you an expert in an area? Would you like to be a QO mentor? Let us know what you think by sending e-mail to Danya at Legend@malcor.com.

Chat List Reminder: We had trouble with our listserv back in January, and we lost the list of everyone who had subscribed to the QO chat list. If you think you are on the list and have not been receiving messages, you were probably among the subscribers who were accidentally dropped. You need to subscribe again at


The QO chat list is for QO members only. Non-members may subscribe to the Pending List at the same URL. If you want alerts to publications, happenings at cons, website updates, and other Misty-related news that comes up between newsletters, you need to sign up for this list.

RPG: The next QO RPG will be held at 7 PM Pacific Standard Time, March 2nd. If you would like to attend, you can find instructions at http://www.dragonlordsnet.com/qorpg.htm. Also, if you can’t make this event (We realize it’s rather short notice. We’re trying to get an event in before Moonstar has her surgery-see below for more details about that.), we’re going to try something new. If you are online and feel like RPGing, use AIM to IM Danya (Her AIM ID is “Shashtah.”) If she has time, she’ll pop into the chat room with you and RP for a while. (Remember, there is no RPGing in the QO chat room unless either Danya or Moonstar is present.)

Chapter News: Does anyone know if Arrows OnLine is still functioning? The current Dean has not been responding to our attempts to contact him.

Also, is anyone in California willing to help Jaime Paz with Golden Grove? Theresa Young lives in Ohio and thinks it would be great if someone who lived in the territory covered by the chapter would take over her position as co-Editor.

Heartland Arrows is starting up a new ‘zine, Riding Circuit, as well as bringing back the beloved Tales of the Unicorn. See the ads below for details!

Old Newsletters: A special note of thanks goes to Herald-Mage Apprentice Ryhannon Gaia Degent (Laura Felton) for helping to proofread pages on the QO website! If any of you have some free time and would like to help out with some of the zillion and one chores that QO generates, contact Danya at Legend@malcor.com. She’ll be happy to find something for you to do .

Speaking of old newsletters, we now have most of the newsletters from the first four years of Queen’s Own online at http://www.dragonlordsnet.com/qonews.htm. Take some time and read them! You’ll find lots of interviews with Misty, biographical and bibliographic details, ideas for things that chapters and zines did that you might want to do in your current chapter or zine and much more! I’ve been learning a lot about the history of the club by typing and coding the newsletters, and I think the information is something that all you fans will find valuable. Also, if you have copies of the newsletters that we are missing, please contact me at Legend@malcor.com. Our goal is to eventually have a complete set of the newsletters online.

In the January 1992 newsletter, Judith wrote: "Yes, Collegium members, you will receive the promised certificate some day." If you are a member who did receive one of those certificates, could you please send us the scanned image as a .jpg at Legend@malcor.com or as a photocopy to the QO PO Box, which is listed below? We'd love to revive this tradition, but we've never seen what the certificates looked like!

Kal’enedral: The Kal'enedral Handout (http://www.dragonlordsnet.com/qok.htm) has been revised to incorporate details we found in the April 1992 newsletter. If you were already working on a Kal'enedral persona, you may submit your current level according to the old guidelines.

Artists: The deadline for the QO button design contest has been moved to March 15th. See details in the Heartland Arrows ad below.

Attention ‘zine and newsletter editors: If you get an e-copy of your guidelines to us, we’d be happy to post them on the QO site. A couple of the QO publications already have such information pages set up with us, but we’d like to have one for each of you eventually.

Jody Lee Prints: Teri Lee of Firebird Arts & Magic writes, "All of the original run of Magic's Price have sold. There are still some copies of the Artist Proof left. There are still copies of the original runs of Magic's Pawn and Magic's Promise, as well as Artist Proofs, which will have to be special ordered." To order, visit


We’re going to forgo the member interview this month because of all the other stuff we’ve crammed into this newsletter. The feature will return in the near future.

Zhai'helleva and Happy Valentine’s Day,

Herald-Mage Adept Danya Winterborn and Healer Adept Moonstar

Ally by Laura Felton

Ren Faires:

Here are the Faires we know about for March. Faires are indexed alphabetically by state. Have any information about any other Ren Faires in your area? Send it to us at Legend@malcor.com


ARIZONA RENAISSANCE FESTIVAL. FAX: 20-463-2026. E-mail: arizonarenfest@royalfaires.com. Website: http://www.royalfaires.com. Address: 12601 East Highway 60, Apache Junction, AZ, 85219. Dates: 02/01/03 - 03/23/03. Open/Close: 10:00 AM - 6:00 PM.


FLORIDA RENAISSANCE FESTIVAL. FAX: 954-771-7045. E-mail: renfest@aol.com. Website: http://www.ren-fest.com. Address: 801 NW 57th St., Ft. Lauderdale, FL, 33309-2826. Dates: 2/01/03 - 3/02/03. Open/Close: 10:00 AM - 6:00 PM.

THE GULF COAST RENAISSANCE FAIRE. FAX: 850-470-0012. E-mail: gcrenfaire@aol.com. Website: http://www.gcrf.org. Address: 3603 Mobile Hwy., Pensacola, FL, 32505. Site Address: St. Anne's Church, Saufley Field Rd., Pensacola, FL, 32526. Dates: 3/02/02 - 3/03/02. Open/Close: 10:00 AM - 7:00 PM.

For additional Ren Faire information, visit the Renaissance Faire Homepage at http://www.renfaire.com/ and the Renaissance Magazine site at http://www.renaissancemagazine.com.


These are the upcoming cons we know about. Have any information about conventions in your area? Send it to us at Legend@malcor.com.


Con†Stellation XXII: Pegasus. E-mail: constell@con-stellation.org. Address: Con*Stellation XXII: Pegasus, P.O.Box 4857, Huntsville Alabama, 35815-4857. Site Address: Holiday Inn Express, Huntsville, Alabama. Dates: 10/10/03-10/12/03. Note: * Guest of Honor: Mercedes Lackey, * Master of Ceremonies: Larry Dixon!


CONDOR X. Website: http://www.condorcon.org. E-mail: info@condorcon.org. Address: Doubletree Hotel, Del Mar, San Diego, California. Dates: 2/28/03 - 3/2/03.

CONSONANCE 2003. Website: http://www.rahul.net/figmo/consonance/. E-mail: figmo@rahul.net. Where: Crowne Plaza Silicon Valley, Milpitas, California. Dates: 3/7/03 - 3/9/03.

LEFT COAST CRIME 13. Website: http://www.LeftCoastCrime.com/. E-mail: lcc2003@aol.com. Address: Pasadena Hilton, Pasadena, California. Dates: 2/28/03 - 3/2/03.

STAR TREK GRAND SLAM. Website: http://www.creationent.com/. E-mail: tickets@creationent.com. Where: Pasadena Center, Pasadena, California. Dates: 3/28/03 - 3/30/03.


CONNCON 2003. Website: http://www.conncon.com/ConnCon.htm. E-mail: Willi@ConnCon.com. Where: Holiday Inn Select, Stamford, Connecticut. Dates: 3/21/03 - 3/23/03.


ANIME EXPRESS 6. Website: http://www.db.erau.edu/campus/student/clubs/anime/Convention.html. E-mail: winarto@erau.edu. Where: IC (Instructional Center) building, at the Embry Riddle Aeronautical University (ERAU,)Daytona Beach, Florida. Dates: 3/21/03 - 3/23/03.

INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON THE FANTASTIC IN THE ARTS 24. Website: http://www.iafa.org/. E-mail: mbartter@truman.edu. Where: Ft. Lauderdale Airport Hilton, Ft. Lauderdale, Florida. Dates: 3/19/03 - 3/23/03.

MEGACON. Website: http://www.megaconvention.com/. E-mail: info@megaconvention.com. Address: Orange County Convention Center, Orlando, Florida. Dates: 2/28/03 - 3/2/03.

SLEUTHFEST 9. Website: http://www.mwa-florida.org/sleuthfest.htm. E-mail: Rwymer55@aol.com. Where: The Deerfield Beach/Boca Raton Hilton Hotel, Boca Raton, Florida. Dates: 3/13/03 - 3/16/03.


STARFLEET REGION 2. Website: http://www.omnifacets.com/region2/. E-mail: pdmohney@aol.com. Where: Sheraton Inn Columbus Airport, Columbus, Georgia. Dates: 3/7/03 - 3/9/03.


CHICAGO COMICFEST. Website: http://motorcityconventions.com/chicago_comic_fest/index.html. E-mail: info@motorcityconventions.com. Where: Ramada Plaza Hotel O'Hare, Rosemont, Illinois. Dates: 3/8/03 - 3/9/03.

THE IDES OF MARCH. Website: http://www.idesofmarchcon.com. E-mail: Idescon@aol.com. Where: Holiday Inn O'Hare International, Rosemont, Illinois. Dates: 3/14/03 - 3/16/03.


CONCAVE 24. Website: http://www.con-stellation.org/links.html. E-mail: grrobe@chartertn.net. Address: Horse Cave, Kentucky. Dates: 2/28/03 - 3/2/03.


GOTHCON. Website: http://www.gothcon.com/. E-mail: Info4GothCon@aol.com. Where: New Orleans Marriott, New Orleans, Louisiana. Dates: 3/27/03 - 3/30/03.

INTERNATIONAL WARGAMES FEDERATION 6TH WORLD INDIVIDUAL CHAMPIONSHIPS. Website: http://www.nasamw.org/CompAppForm.htm. E-mail: hiltonmcm@aol.com. Where: Quality Inn in Metairie, New Orleans, Louisiana. Dates: 3/7/03 - 3/9/03.


ENLIGHTENMENT 6. Website: http://www.boardgamers.org/specific/aor02.htm. E-mail: doncon99@toad.net. Where: Hampton Inn, Hunt Valley, Maryland. Dates: 3/14/03 - 3/16/03.

GALAXY CON I. Website: http://www.galaxycon.com/. E-mail: galaxy@galaxycon.com. Where: BWI Airport Marriott, Baltimore, Maryland. Dates: 3/7/03 - 3/9/03.

GAMES WORKSHOP BALTIMORE GRAND TOURNAMENT. Website: http://www.games-workshop.com/news/us/events/events.htm. E-mail: Custserv@Games-Workshop.com. Where: Baltimore Convention Center Hall A, Baltimore, Maryland. Dates: 3/7/03 - 3/9/03.

JOHNCON. Website: http://www.jhu.edu/~johncon. E-mail: johncon@jhu.edu. Address: Johns Hopkins University Campus, Baltimore, Maryland. Dates: 2/28/03 - 3/2/03.


INTERCON C. Website: http://www.InteractiveLiterature.com/C/. E-mail: mdm@haven.org. Address: Radisson Hotel And Suites, Chelmsford, Massachusetts. Dates: 2/28/03 - 3/2/03.


AMBERCON US. Website: http://acus.ambercons.com/. E-mail: ambercon@juno.com. Where: Embassy Suites Detroit-Livonia, Detroit, Michigan. Dates: 3/27/03 - 3/30/03.

DEMENTIA. Website: http://www.thelandofdementia.com/. E-mail: 2001@TheLandOfDementia.com. Where: Holiday Inn, Southfield, Michigan. Dates: 3/03.

FOUNDATION GAMING CONVENTION. Website: http://www.foundation-games.com. E-mail: timhunt@foundation-games.com. Where: Okemos Holiday Inn, Lansing, Michigan. Dates: 3/14/03 - 3/16/03.

MARMALADE DOG 8: GAMEFEST 2003. Website: http://www.wmgg.org/marmaladedog/. E-mail: eboard@wmgg.org. Where: Western Michigan University, Kalamazoo, Michigan. Dates: 3/29/03 - 3/30/03.


COASTCON XXVI. Website: http://coastcon.org. E-mail: chairman@coastcon.org. Where: MS Gulf Coast Coliseum & Convention Center, Biloxi, Mississippi. Dates: 3/21/03 - 3/23/03.


BRANSCON. Website: http://www.wizard-guild.com/branscon/. E-mail: lauriefox@mail.com. Address: Settle Inn, Branson, Missouri. Dates: 2/28/03 - 3/2/03.

KANSAS CITY COMICON. Website: http://kansascitycomicon.com/. E-mail: yrogerg@ukans.edu. Where: KCI Expo Center, Kansas City, Missouri. Dates: 3/15/03 - 3/16/03.

STORMIE-CON. Website: http://www.stormie.net. E-mail: stormie@swbell.net. Where: Ramada Inn, St. Louis Airport - Bridgeton, St. Louis, Missouri. Dates: 3/14/03 - 3/16/03.

New Hampshire

KAMECON. Website: http://www.kamecon.com. E-mail: j1atomic@mail.com. Where: Manchester Memorial High, Manchester, New Hampshire. Dates: 3/1/03.

New Jersey

PRINCECON 28. Website: http://www.princetongames.org/princecon. E-mail: princecon@princetongames.org. Where: Princeton University, Princeton, New Jersey. Dates: 3/14/03 - 3/16/03.

New York

I-CON 22. Website: http://www.iconsf.org/. E-mail: info@iconsf.org. Where: Stony Brook University, Stony Brook, New York. Dates: 3/28/03 - 3/30/03.

LUNACON 2003. Website: http://www.lunacon.org. E-mail: lunacon@lunacon.org. Where: Ryetown Hilton, Ryebrook, New York. Dates: 3/21/03 - 3/23/03.

SIMCON XXV. Website: http://www.simcon.org. E-mail: chair@simcon.org. Where: University Of Rochester, Rochester, New York. Dates: 3/20/03 - 3/23/03.

UB CON 2003. Website: http://www.ubsarpa.com. E-mail: condir@keegan.ws. Where: University at Buffalo, Buffalo, New York. Dates: 3/28/03 - 3/30/03.

North Carolina

STELLARCON 27. Website: http://www.stellarcon.org. E-mail: info@stellarcon.org. Where: The Radisson Hotel, High Point, North Carolina. Dates: 3/14/03 - 3/16/03.


CLEVELAND COLOSSAL CONVENTION 2. Website: http://colossalcon.com. E-mail: nostalgiaconventio@prodigy.net. Where: Holiday Inn, Independence, Ohio. Dates: 3/14/03 - 3/16/03.

DAYS OF HONOR. Website: http://www.kag.org/events/doh.htm. E-mail: qoltar@aol.com. Where: Cincinnati, Ohio. Dates: 3/23/03 - 3/26/03.

FRIGHTVISION 2003. Website: http://www.frightvision.com. E-mail: FrightVisioninfo@aol.com. Where: Holiday Inn Independence, Independence, Ohio. Dates: 3/28/03 - 3/30/03.


GAMESTORM 2003. Website: http://www.pdxgames.com. E-mail: aaroncurtis@attbi.com. Where: Doubletree Columbia River At Jantzen Beach On Hayden Island, Portland, Oregon. Dates: 3/14/03 - 3/16/03.


ADVENTURE CON 2003. Website: http://www.radiomoments.com. E-mail: angelo@radiomoments.com. Where: Merchant Square Mall S. 12th St. & Vultee St., Allentown, Pennsylvania. Dates: 3/8/03.

COLD WARS 2003. Website: http://www.coldwars.org. E-mail: jdrye@spa-inc.net. Where: Lancaster Host Resort Hotel, Lancaster, Pennsylvania. Dates: 3/7/03 - 3/9/03.

COSCON XV. Website: http://www.circleofswords.com/. E-mail: cosguild@circleofswords.com. Where: Days Inn, Butler, Pennsylvania. Dates: 3/14/03 - 3/16/03.

EAST COAST HOBBY SHOW 2003. Website: http://www.hobbyshow.com/. E-mail: info@hobbyshow.com. Where: Ft. Washington Expo Center, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Dates: 3/22/03 - 3/24/03.

South Carolina

SPARTACON III. Website: http://www.angelfire.com/rpg/spartacon/. E-mail: b29349@yahoo.com. Where: Ramada Inn, Spartanburg, South Carolina. Dates: 3/1/03.


CHAOS CON. Website: http://www.chaoscon.org. E-mail: chaos@gamemastersguild.org. Where: Music and Mass Comm. Bldg, Austin Peay State University Campus, Clarksville, Tennessee. Dates: 3/7/03 - 3/9/03.

GALACTICON 2003. Website: http://www.thewebfool.com/galacticon/. E-mail: galacticon@vei.net. Where: Ramada Inn South, Chattanooga, Tennessee. Dates: 3/21/03 - 3/23/03.

MIDSOUTHCON 21. Website: http://www.midsouthcon.org/. E-mail: info@midsouthcon.org. Where: Sheraton Four Points Hotel, Memphis, Tennessee. Dates: 3/28/03 - 3/30/03.


AGGIECON 34. Website: http://aggiecon.tamu.edu. E-mail: YaruGL@tamu.edu. Where: Memorial Student Center, Texas A&M University, College Station, Texas. Dates: 3/20/03 - 3/23/03.


MADICON 12. Website: http://www.madicon.org/. E-mail: conchair@madicon.org. Where: James Madison University, Harrisonburg, Virginia. Dates: 3/28/03 - 3/30/03.

TECHNICON 20. Website: http://www.technicon.org/. E-mail: info@technicon.org. Where: Best Western Red Lion Inn, Blacksburg, Virginia. Dates: 3/14/03 - 3/16/03.

VIRGINIA FESTIVAL OF THE BOOK. Website: http://www.vabook.org/. E-mail: vabook@virginia.edu. Where: University of Virginia, Charlottesville, Virginia. Dates: 3/19/03 - 3/23/03.


CREATION SALUTES STAR TREK, BUFFY: THE VAMPIRE SLAYER AND SCI-FI MEDIA. Website: http://www.creationent.com/. E-mail: tickets@creationent.com. Address: The Doubletree Hotel Bellevue, Seattle, Washington. Dates: 2/28/03 - 3/2/03.


CONGENIAL. Website: http://www.congenial.org/. E-mail: info@congenial.org. Where: Racine Marriott, Racine, Wisconsin. Dates: 3/7/03 - 3/9/03.

MIDWEST OPEN 2003 - VICTORY IN THE PACIFIC TOURNAMENT. Website: http://www.washingtongamers.org/conventions.asp. E-mail: gelp@juno.com. Where: Executive Inn - Best Western, Kenosha, Wisconsin. Dates: 3/1/03 - 3/2/03.


AD ASTRA. Website: http://www.ad-astra.org. E-mail: info@ad-astra.org. Where: Toronto Colony Hotel, Toronto, Ontario. Dates: 3/21/03 - 3/23/03.

DPG EXPO IX. Website: http://is2.dal.ca/~dpg/. E-mail: dpg@is2.dal.ca. Where: The Common Room, Daltech (Sexton Campus), Halifax, Nova Scotia. Dates: 3/15/03.

FILKONTARIO. Website: http://www.bserv.com/community/fkoa.htm. E-mail: hayman@bserv.com. Where: Four Points Hotel Toronto Airport, Mississauga, Ontario. Dates: 3/28/03 - 3/30/03.

GLORANTHACON VIII. Website: http://www.gloranthacon.com. E-mail: gloranthacon@glorantha.com. Where: Toronto Colony Hotel, Toronto, Ontario. Dates: 3/7/03 - 3/9/03.

HOTLEAD 2003. Website: http://www.quadro.net/~hotlead/. E-mail: mantofam@quadro.net. Where: Victorian Inn, Stratford, Ontario. Dates: 3/28/03 - 3/30/03.

ORION 2003. Website: http://www.rigelgroup.org. E-mail: info@rigel.cx. Where: The Colony Hotel, 89 Chestnut Street, Toronto, Ontario. Dates: 3/21/03 - 3/23/03.

TRUMPETER SALUTE 2003. Website: http://www.trumpeterclub.com. E-mail: big_dog@telus.net. Where: Bonsor Community Centre (Metrotown,)Burnaby (Vancouver), British Columbia. Dates: 3/14/03 - 3/16/03.


DOMINICON. Website: http://www.dominicon.ie/. E-mail: info@dominicon.ie. Where: NUI Maynooth, Co. Kildare, Ireland. Dates: 3/28/03.


DEEPCON 4. Website: http://www.deepcon.it/. E-mail: mmartini@italway.it. Where: Hotel Ambasciatori, Fiuggi Terme, Italy. Dates: 3/6/03 - 3/9/03.

United Kingdom

ACTION REPLAY 2003. Website: http://www.scificonventions.com/. E-mail: jipster@actionreplay2003.com. Where: Bournemouth, UK. Dates: 3/1/03 - 3/2/03.

ASCENDANT. Website: http://www.starfury.co.uk. E-mail: SeanHarry@aol.com. Where: Thistle Hotel, Heathrow, London, England, UK. Dates: 3/28/03 - 3/30/03.

CHILLER FEST. Website: http://www.scifishows.com/. E-mail: info@scifishows.com. Where: Radisson Edwardian Hotel, Heathrow, London, UK. Dates: 3/22/03 - 3/23/03.

CONPULSION. Website: http://www.conpulsion.org. E-mail: fiona@vascotland.org.uk. Where: Teviot Row Union Building, Edinburgh, Scotland, UK. Dates: 3/15/03 - 3/16/03.

PORTMERICON 2003. Website: http://www.portmeiricon.com/. E-mail: sixofone@netreach.net. Where: Hotel Portmeirion, Northern Wales, UK. Dates: 3/28/03 - 3/30/03.

STAR WARS DAY VII. Website: http://www.exewing.btinternet.co.uk. E-mail: exewing@btinternet.com. Where: Honiton Sports Centre, Honiton, Devon, UK. Dates: 3/2/03.

TOWERCON 2003. Website: http://www.philm.demon.co.uk/RPGs/conventions.htm. E-mail: dictator@towercon.co.uk. Where: Norbreck Castle Hotel, Blackpool, UK. Dates: 3/21/03 - 3/23/03.

For additional Convention information, visit Convention Outpost by Jenga at http://go.to/conventions.

Ally by Laura Felton

Member News:

For definitions of our fannish jargon, read the 12-page booklet "Pros & Cons: An Introduction to Fandom" written by Elizabeth Barrette. Send $1.00 and a $0.37 stamp (or $1.00 and 2 IRCs) to Queen's Own, P.O. Box 749, Laguna Beach, CA, 92652. Make checks payable to "Linda Malcor" in US funds only.

Local chapters:

Zines and Newsletters:

Companion by Laura Felton

Other Fandoms:

Collegium News:

We have individual handouts for aspiring Heralds, Healers, Bards, Blues, Mercenaries, Tayledras, Shin'a'in, and White Winds Sorcerers/Sorceresses and instructions on how to work for Herald-Mage status if you are already a Herald or for a Kal'enedral if you are already a Shin'a'in. You can find these handouts online at http://www.dragonlordsnet.com/qohandouts.htm.

You need a release form (online at http://www.dragonlordsnet.com/qomlrel2.htm) if you write a story set in Misty's worlds or using any of her characters. You do not need a release for a character sketch, poem or filk. All Misty wants to do is protect her characters and her worlds. Send the release form (you do NOT need to include the story) to Misty c/o High Flight Arts and Letters, P.O. Box 2970, Claremore, OK 74017. Do NOT include the original of the release form with your persona material; send it to Misty. Send a copy to us.

All personae materials should be sent to the QO address or submitted by e-mail to Legend@malcor.com and healermoon@gmail.com.

There are no formerly accepted members who have returned to Queen’s Own this month. (Well, there’s one, but we’re still trying to clear up the spelling of her persona’s name. We’ll announce her return in next month’s newsletter.)

If you are a returning member who has recently activated your membership in Queen’s Own and we have forgotten to list you, message Danya at Legend@malcor.com, and she’ll make sure you are greeted in the next newsletter.

Lost . . .

One of the challenges running an online club is that people don’t always leave a forwarding address when they move . We are missing current e-mail addresses for the following members:

If you know any of these folks, please have them contact Danya at Legend@malcor.com with a current e-mail address.

From Healer Adept Moonstar:

My life has been pretty hectic the last few weeks, so here is the update.

Alex is doing well and loves his school! He wakes up and gets very excited on school days. He had his vision tested, and it is 20/30 in each eye. His current favorite musical artist is Michael Jackson, and he loves "Thriller," which he calls the dog song. He also loves the song "Somebody’s Watching Me" by Rockwell, with Michael Jackson singing in the chorus. Alex is always singing all the time and generally making songs up. He spends a lot more time playing than watching movies now, something that I am very happy about. Alex is growing and seems to be bigger every time I see him. He is fitting well into 4T clothes. The pants are still a little long, but I am not sure how much longer that will be true. He can count to 10, and he can look at a collection of objects and generally tell you quickly how many there are. He has his own chores, like helping put away shoes and the puppy toys. He also cleans his room every day at 7 PM. He likes reading, and we are in the middle of Stuart Little. He also loves hearing anything about dinosaurs. His latest favorite movie is Aladdin. I think that is because he and Erik went to see the new Aladdin show at California Adventure this week.

In early January my car, which I bought in October, died completely. It turns out that the place I bought it from didn’t check the spark plugs ,and I didn’t think to check it. Well, that was a stupid move. The place said they did a 100-point inspection, and I thought that would have included the spark plugs. As a result of my not checking it, one broke and dinged through my engine, ruining it. So, I needed a new engine. Luckily we had just gotten Erik’s car fixed, so we still had a running car. After two months and lots of talks with the sales manager and then the general manager, they replaced my engine with a rebuilt engine at no charge. I just got my car back this week. I got to play more with the stereo Erik had put into it for my Yule gift, and I was happy to realize it does play MP3s! >grin<

I spent the last month and a half seeing doctors and orthopedic specialists about my right shoulder. It seems that my rotator cuff tore, and I didn’t realize it because I thought my shoulder still was not quite recovered and so I kept lifting and working like I normally do. As a result I tore up the tendons (which have to be stapled or screwed back to the bone), the muscles and cartilage. During the surgery they are going to remove the flexor and tighten and fix everything else. The surgery itself will be 2-3 hours, and I will not be able to move my shoulder for 6 weeks after the surgery. I will likely have to be on disability for a couple of months following the surgery. The surgery will be March 7th, and I will likely spend one night in the hospital. The surgery will be in Huntington Beach by Dr. Reynolds, a shoulder specialist.

My desktop computer is also completely dead. All I can say is please whenever you buy a new computer do yourself a favor and call the manufacturer and get the longest warranty you can! I know it has saved my butt several times. They decided it needed a new hard drive, so they replaced it with an XP hard drive. My computer had come with ME, and I thought "Great. I don’t have to upgrade." They did not send a product key. We managed to copy the product key from Erik’s computer and get it going. However, when I loaded a program onto it, then it started to restart for no apparent reason again. I called; they had me reformat it with the ME disks. Then suddenly it started again with XP, and we can’t get back into it. That is when the tech moved my case to quality control, and they chose to give me a new computer. All the stats are better with the new computer, but it doesn’t have an upgraded sound card. I don’t really mind since I don’t really listen to music on my computer.

I put my latest class off until the 13th of March so that I could get a little recovery for my shoulder. They wanted me to start the class yesterday, and with surgery in a week that just wasn’t do able. I am into Database Management now.

That really is all the news at my house.

Until next time!




Queen's Own is the official Mercedes Lackey Appreciation Society. Our purpose is to share our enjoyment of Misty's worlds. We are a fan-run not-for-profit organization, not a business. Our address of publication: P.O. Box 749, Laguna Beach, CA 92652 USA. This newsletter is published solely to inform and entertain the club's membership; no infringement of anyone's copyrights is intended.

Newsletters are published on (or near) the first of each month.

Co-Editor/Co-President Herald-Mage Master Danya Winterborn (L.A. Malcor; AOL-IM SN Shashtah; Legend@malcor.com)

Co-Editor/Co-President Healer Adept Moonstar (Kendra Renaud; AOL-IM SN healermoon; healermoon@gmail.com)

The featured artist for this newsletter is Laura Felton. All drawings in this newsletter are © to the credited artist. All rights reserved. If you would like your art to be featured in the online version of the QO newsletter, send .gifs or .jpgs to Legend@malcor.com or hardcopy to Queen's Own, P.O. Box 749, Laguna Beach, CA 92652.

Mercedes Lackey does not receive mail at the Queen's Own address. Fanmail to Mercedes Lackey and releases for fan fiction should be sent to:

Mercedes Lackey
c/o High Flight Arts and Letters
P.O. Box 2970
Claremore, OK 74017


Herald-Mage Master Danya Winterborn and

Healer Adept Moonstar

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