(Note: These are excerpts from the original newsletter that was published on this date. The Queen's Own address has been updated. The current President of Queen's Own is Herald-Mage Adept Danya Winterborn. For more information, see http://www.dragonlordsnet.com/qo.htm.)
[Begin Excerpt]
Dear Misty Fans,
Isn't Magic's Price wonderful? I hesitate to say too much about it, in case any of you are still waiting for the opportunity to read it, but I found it well wroth the wait, the many tissues I sniffled into while reading it, and even the headache I had the next day from staying up most of the night to finish it. And the dedication pleases me immensely, I see no reason to pretend otherwise!
By the Sword is finished, all 600+ pages, and at the printer. This is the "bridge" book, which brings together old friends from the Arrows books and Kethry's granddaughter Kerowyn. It is the first of abother trilogy, I'm glad to say.
Work is progressing nicely on The Elvenbane, Misty's collaboration with Andre Norton. The elves in this story are very different from Kory and his friends in Knight of Ghosts and Shadows.
Good news from Firebird: There will be a Vanyel Tape! The songs will be performed by Larry Warner, singing as Vanyel's nephew, the Bard Medren.
And the songs on "Heralds, Harpers and Havoc" will be out in songbook form for only eight dollars. Firebird will send you the words and chords as soon as they receive your order. THe complete songbook will follow as soon as it is finished.
The Oathbound tape will be available after a few more songs; please be patient.
You may call 1-800-752-0494 to order a catalog or place an order. (They've just added six new Bayfilk tapes.) Or write to Firebird at P.O. Box 14785, Portland, OR 97214-9998.
BOOK RELEASE DATE: Coming in August: Children of the Night.
The quote from TOR's ad for Children of the Night in the July issue of LOCUS is: "Diana Tregarde is new to New York, and to her Guardianship--but she's ready to defend her friends, and her adopted city, from any Evil--even vampires!" And in the same ad, a quote from Marion Zimmer Bradley: "It's a delight . . . to know that a writer whose work I've loved all along has written something so fresh and original."
Knight of Ghosts and Shadows got a lovely review from Scott Winnett in the same issue, ending with: " An enchanting romp, with wonderful characters and a deep appreciation for the magic underneath our everyday lives."
The titles of the chapters of Knight, by the way, are names of folk songs or Celtic fiddle tunes. Misty says she and Ellen have ideas for at least two more Eric Banyon books. Write to Baen Publihshing, 260 Fifth Avenue, New York, NY 10001 if you enjoyed Knight; tell them you want more!
Chris Johnson's "The Helpful Handout of How to Become a Herald" has proven to be very helpful--and very popular. It's still available [Ed. note 2002: Out-of-date information deleted. Visit http://www.dragonlordsnet.com/qohandouts.htm for current information.]. Thanks, Chris, from all of us. We appreciate your hard work.
[Ed. note 2002: out-of-date membership information delated. See below for current instructions.] I have no objection to your sharing a newsletter with friends. I do ask that you join Queen's Own if you intend to work for Herald status or use any of our services, like fan messages or mentors.
Queen's Own membership buttons are still available. [Ed. note 2002: Out-of-date information deleted.]
Patricia Riggs and I thank all of you for your responses to our cries for help. We've had offers from game-players, con-goers, filkers, and zine collectors, all of whom are eager to share their enthusiasm with others. Their names and addresses will be in the September newsletter. The wide, weird, and wonderful world of fannish activities is even more fun when shared.
Ellen Wells, [Ed. note 2002: Out-of-date contact information deleted. Send current reciptes to Legend@malcor.com or to the QO P.O. box.]is still collecting recipes for a Valdemar Cookbook. Include a SASE if you want your recipe(s) returned. Let's see how many variations of Trail Bread we can create. And don't forget desserts. What do you suppose the HErald version of S'Mores is like? (Thanks from Ellen to Jessica Woods for her offer of help.)
"A Different Kind of Coursage" | Free Amazons of Darkover, ed. by Marrion Zimmer Bradley |
"Set a Thief" | Renunciates of Darkover |
"Fiddler Fair" | Magic in Ithkar 3, ed. by Andre Norton & Robert Adams |
"Sword Sworn" | Sword & Sorceress 3, ed. by MZB |
"A Tale of Heroes" | S&S 4 |
"Keys" | S&S 5 |
"The Making of a Legend" | S&S 6 |
"The Talisman" | S&S 7 |
"Werehunter" | Tales of the Witchworld, Vol. 1, ed. by Andre Norton |
"DeathAngel" | Merovingian Nights, Festival Moon, ed. by C.J. Cherryh |
"A plague on your Houses" | MN, Fever Season |
"A Tangled Web We Weave" | MN, Troubled Waters |
"More Than Meets the Eye" | MN, Gentlemen of the Trade |
"Turning Point" | MN, Body Politic |
"Don't Look Back," "Friends Like These" | MN, Divine Right |
"The Enemy of My Enemy" | Friends of the Horseclans, Vol. 2, ed. by Robert Adams |
"Balance," "Dragon's Teeth" | Spellsingers, ed. by Alan Bard Newcomer |
"A Friend in Need," "Pantom of the Berry Patch" | Blood of Ten Chiefs, Vol. 3, ed. by Richard Pini |
"Skitty" | Catfantastic, ed. by Andre Norton |
"An Object Lesson" | Domains of Darkover, ed. by MZB |
"Nightside" | Marion Zimmer Bradley's Fantasy magazine, Fall 1989 |
The Heralds of Valdemar:
The Last Herald-Mage series:
Vows and Honor series
Diana Tregarde investigations:
with Ellen Guon:
with C.J. Cherryh:
(I discovered Tammy's Herald material, postmarked April 17th, just a few days ago! To Tammy, my embarrassed apologies. To the rest of QO, my promise that I will try very hard to keep such a thing from happening again.)
Congratulations to our new Heralds! There is no way my inadequate words can describe the wonders that I am sent! "A story, a persona sketch, a drawing, a poem"--this says so little of the hours of work that have gone into each Herald packet. And the talent! THank you all for sharing so much of yourselves with Misty and me.
Now, please, please, support our zines by sending your stories and poems and artowrk on to them! (See note from Nathan--send him a get-well card and a story!) )See apology to Stephanie--I think I've finally gotten her address right.)
From R. Nathaniel Waldbauer, editor of Tales of Valdemar and Beyond, [Ed. note 2002: Out-of-date information withheld.]. I've been hospitalized for seveal weeks while fighting of an infection resulting from surgery. If you haven't heard from me, that's the reason. I hope to be back on schedule by mid-July.
The address of Arrow's Message is Stephanie Wong, [Ed. note 2002: Out-of-date information withheld.] I have printed the wrong zip code for Stephanie in the last two newsletters; my apologies to anyone who has been inconvenienced by my stuttering keyboard.
Send a SASE for guidelines for stories and poetry for Companion's Rest to Vicki McElfresh [Ed. note 2002: Out-of-date information withheld.]. Send copy-ready artwork to Damien Bunting,[Ed. note 2002: Out-of-date information withheld.].
Jody Lee will have her artwork on display at Boscon '91, Lunacon, and the Chicago Worldcon. She's trying for Baycon, too. We'll give you more details on these cons later. (Please send Pat or me flyers on these cons if you have them.)
Renaissance Faire, starting September 1 and running every weekend for about four weeks in MArin County, San Francisco Bay area. [Ed. note 2002: Out-of-date information withheld.].
Friends of the Pelegirs is a tri-state Queen's Own chapter serving Pennsylvania, New Jersey, and Delaware. Their newsletter is published every two months and contains con info, book and movie reviews, and information on stores in the area. [Ed. note 2002: Out-of-date information withheld.].
From Lori Cassell for the Elfquest fans among you: "The Pinis have started a new series, 'Kings of the Broken Wheel.' [Ed. note 2002: Out-of-date information withheld.]."
Hi from Herald Housemother:
Among my fancy titles is the word "dogsbody." A dogsbody is a menial, a drudge. I have the fun of being editor and president, I also get to do most of the work. Any mail that is addressed to Queen's Own is opened by me and read and answered by me. This is still a kitchen table top operation, and a cat frequently climbs into my lap to chase my pen as I answer your letters.
On the subject of mistakes in the newsletter:
"I think that I shall never see
[Ed. Note 2002: Fan messages are not being posted online because of the personal
information they contained.]
[Ed. Note 2002: Personals are not being posted online because of the personal
information they contained. Remainder of the newsletter was out-of-date contact info, and has been withheld.]
Editor, President, Dogsbody, Housemother--Judith Louvis
From Stephanie Webster:
P.S. Bright blessings to you all!
[End Excerpt]
Queen's Own is the official Mercedes Lackey Appreciation Society. Our purpose is to share our enjoyment of Misty's worlds. We are a fan-run not-for-profit organization, not a business. Our address of publication: P.O. Box 749, Laguna Beach, CA 92652 USA. This newsletter is published solely to inform and entertain the club's membership; no infringement of anyone's copyrights is intended.
Newsletters are published on (or near) the first of each month.
Editor/President Herald-Mage Adept Danya Winterborn (L.A. Malcor; AOL-IM SN Shashtah; Legend@malcor.com)
Mercedes Lackey does not receive mail at the Queen's Own address. Fanmail to Mercedes Lackey and releases for fan fiction should be sent to:
Mercedes Lackey
Herald-Mage Adept Danya Winterborn
An issue totally error-free
I read. I proof, I read some more,
But yet, I see when it's left my door,
That a zip code is wrong, a name's misspelled,
A dare is reversed, and typos as well!
It's not that I'm not trying my best,
It's just that mistakes are like pet hairs--they don't show until you're out in public and can be embarrassed by their presence."
'Nuff said!
Fan Messages
Chancellor of the Exchequer--"Checkers" for short--Steve Loucis (The dear man does all the banking anyway, does anyone object if I give him a title?)
Archivist, Registrar, Organizer extraordinaire, and any other title she wants--Patricia Riggs
Mailing Day Helpers (last issue)--The Outlander, Ana Casacuberta, Leanne Brownlee, Joanne Gise, Patti Hemeliski, Noreen Johnson.
"I'm not a Misty fan, I'm an air conditioner."
Another cool thought, this one from Sharon Warner: "Would you call a Herald whose Companion found her in a snowdrift a 'Frozen Chosen'?"
c/o High Flight Arts and Letters
P.O. Box 2970
Claremore, OK 74017