Queen's Own
The Official Mercedes Lackey Fan Club
P.O. Box 749
Laguna Beach, CA 92652 USA
Series 3, Vol. 6, No. 2
February 1, 2005
Heyla, Misty fans!
Happy Valentine’s Day! We hope everything is going well with all of you. Do write us, and let us know what’s happening in your lives. We love to hear from you!
Publication News: The paperback edition of This Scepter’d Isle (with Roberta Gellis) should now be available at your local bookstore.
Sanctuary, the next installment in the Joust series, is coming to a bookstore near you in March, as is the mass-market paperback edition of Alta. Also in March, look for the hardcover edition of Ill Met By Moonlight, the next installment in the SERRAted Edge series (this one coauthored with Roberta Gellis).
Mad Maudlin (with Rosemary Edghill) should arrive in paperback in May, and the paperback of This Rough Magic (with Eric Flint and Dave Freer) is scheduled to follow in June.
Bedlam’s Edge, the next installment in the Bedlam’s Bard series and coauthored with Rosemary Edghill, is on track for release in August. Children of the Night should be re-released in August as well.
Thanks to all of you who support QO by making purchases through the Dragonlords’ Bookstore (http://www.dragonlordsnet.com/bkstore.htm). We really appreciate the help with the club’s expenses so that we can keep the memberships in QO free.
Chapter News: The Queen’s Own chapters that are still functioning are Herald’s Companion (covering Ohio, Indiana, Kentucky, and West Virginia), Sapphire and White (covering the Great Lakes Region), Valdemar Estate Waystation (covering Australia), German Heartstone (covering Germany; this is a German language chapter), and the Vanyel Fan Club (an international online chapter). We think the Western Canadian Mountain Shadow Collegium is still up and running as well. We aren’t certain about Arrows OnLine since we haven’t heard from them for a while. We believe that the rest of the QO chapters are up for adoption, if anyone is interested in trying to restart one of them. You can find the complete list of approved chapters http://www.dragonlordsnet.com/qochap.htm. QO chapters may:
- Use the Queen's Own name.
- Publish a hardcopy fanzine or newsletter that contains fan fiction.
- Publish a nonfiction e-mail newsletter.
- Put up a website.
- Host a chatroom.
- Form a chatlist.
- Have a message board in the QO Delphi Forum.
- Organize trips to Ren. Faires, Cons, and other places of interest.
- Hold Queen's Own Festivals.
- Run a QO section at a Con.
- Come up with other ideas of fun stuff to do with other Misty fans.
If you are the leader of a running chapter, please check your listing in the QO newsletter (below) to make sure that your information is accurate and up to date.
Believe it or not, spring festivals are fast approaching. We’ll see you in March!
Herald-Mage Adept Danya Winterborn and Healer Adept Moonstar
Ren Faires:
Here are the Faires we know about for February. Faires are indexed alphabetically by state. Have any information about any other Renaissance Faires in your area? Send it to us at Legend@malcor.com.
ARIZONA RENAISSANCE FESTIVAL. E-mail: arizonarenfest@royalfaires.com. Website: http://www.royalfaires.com. Address: Jeffrey Siegel,12601 East Highway 60, Apache Junction, AZ, 85219. Dates: 2/5/05 – 3/27/05. Open/Close: 10 AM - 6 PM.
FLORIDA RENAISSANCE FESTIVAL SOUTH. E-mail: info@ren-fest.com. Website: http://www.ren-fest.com. Address: Bobby Rodriguez Productions, Inc., 800 NW 57th Pl, Ft. Lauderdale, FL, 33309. Site Address: Quiet Waters Park, Deerfield Beach, FL. Dates: 2/12/05 – 3/13/05. Open/Close: 10 AM – Sunset.
HOGGETOWNE MEDIEVAL FAIRE. E-mail: piperlr@ci.gainesville.fl.us. Website: http://www.gvculturalaffairs.org. Address: Linda Piper, PO Box 490, Station 30, Gainesville, FL 32602. Site Address: Alachua County Fairgrounds, Gainesville, FL. Dates: 1/29/05 – 2/6/05. Open/Close: 10 AM - 6 PM.
For additional Ren. Faire information, visit the Renaissance Faire Homepage at http://www.renfaire.com and the Renaissance Magazine site at http://www.renaissancemagazine.com.
These are the upcoming cons we know about. Have any information about conventions in your area? Send it to us at Legend@malcor.com.
CONVERGENCE. E-mail: info@convergence-con.org. Website: http://www.convergence-con.org/. Address: 1437 Marshall Avenue, Suite 203, St. Paul, MN, 55104. Site Address: Sheraton South, 7800 Normandale Blvd., Bloomington, MN, 55435. Dates: 7/1/05 – 7/3/05. Guests: Mercedes Lackey and Larry Dixon!
United Kingdom
REDEMPTION. Website: http://www.smof.com/redemption. E-mail: redemptioninfo@smof.com. Address: Hanover International Hotel, Hinckley, Leicestershire. Dates: 2/25/05 – 2/27/05.
For additional Convention information, visit Convention Outpost by Jenga at http://www.geocities.com/jengacons/.
Member News:
For definitions of our fannish jargon, read the 12-page booklet "Pros & Cons: An Introduction to Fandom" written by Elizabeth Barrette. Send $1.00 and a $0.37 stamp (or $1.00 and 2 IRCs) to Queen's Own, P.O. Box 749, Laguna Beach, CA, 92652. Make checks payable to "Linda Malcor" in US funds only.
Local chapters:
- Arrows OnLine: Contact: Adept Grayfeather k'Varis (Kristi Reed). E-mail: DragonMamaK@aol.com. Arrows OnLine is the AOL chapter of QO. Chats will be held the first and third Wednesdays of each month from 8-10 PM ET. Topics will be posted prior to chat, hopefully as soon as a month in advance for book discussions. Although we have the scheduled chat, the Companion's Grove is open 24/7, and anyone can come in for informal chat. As far as instructions on how to get there . . . there are lots of hoops to jump through now. Go to the books community, find the message board link, then find the "Author A-Z" message board, and find your way to the Mercedes Lackey boards from there. She's no longer a keyword, but hopefully with more traffic in the future that will change. If you don't want to jump through hoops, you can e-mail me directly, and I'll give you the links. The links to the chatroom will be on my "signature" on the boards.
- German Heartstone: Website: http://www.heartstone.de. Contact: Sunny@heartstone.de or Shae@heartstone.de. A new chapter of Queens Qwn FanClub started in Germany for all German-speaking people within a brand new Misty-Fanpage on http://www.heartstone.de! For more information contact Sunny@heartstone.de or Shae@heartstone.de.
- Sapphire and White: Editor Ronald Glaser. E-mail: luckystar@abe.midco.net. We want members from all over the United States, but we technically cover the Great Lakes region, including South Dakota, North Dakota, Minnesota, Nebraska and Iowa. Heyla there, everyone! Sapphire and White is looking for people who are interested in Mercedes Lackey and her works such as the Valdemar series and the many other books that she has written. You can contact me for more info at luckystar@abe.midco.net. I hope to have a chat list and maybe a fanzine going soon, but i am looking for submissions for that when it gets up and running.
- Valdemar Estate Waystation: Website: http://valdemarwaystation.iwarp.com/index.html. Contact: Herald Lily. E-mail: Valdemarestatearabians@mugglenet.com. Valdemar Estate is looking for members to join. Online is very welcome. The Estate specializes in things of an Equine nature and any queries about our four-legged friends of real or Valdemaran kind are welcome too. We have people here who are able to make or create just about anything you would want. Riding and other training happens at Palamino Reserve in Armadale, at the end of Palamino Place on the 2nd and 4th Saturday of the month at 3pm. Changes in time will be announced on the website. Costume rides are on the 4th Saturday of every even month unless showing. Those wanting sword or archery training need to contact me so that I can either organizes some sessions or redirect you to the appropriate trainers in the area. Horse gear can also be purchased from the Estate by order. E-mail the details of what you are looking for and it can be found.
- The Vanyel Fan Club: Website: http://www.dragonlordsnet.com/vfcindex.htm. Contact: herald_bastian@hotmail.com. The Vanyel Fan Club is a chapter of QO that started out as an independent fan organization. The chapter is devoted to fans of Herald-Mage Vanyel Ashkevron from The Last Herald-Mage Trilogy by Mercedes Lackey.
Zines and Newsletters:
- Children of Velgarth: Editor: Kendra Renaud, P.O. Box 749, Laguna Beach, CA 92652. E-mail: healermoon@gmail.com. I publish new and old personae, even previously published persona if asked by members in this new, official QO zine. I will only accept what was sent in for your persona to Queen's Own to be recognized. Any fan fiction written later should be sent to one of the other zines who really need it to keep their zines going. This fanzine will be published periodically when it reaches 80 pages or so to keep costs at $5.00 payable in U.S. funds or 12 IRCs. Make checks payable to "Kendra Renaud". The fee covers the cost of printing and mailing; you may share (but not duplicate!) copies of the fanzine. Watch the Queen's Own newsletter for release dates. Issues 4, 5 and 6 are currently in the editing stages! Each zine will have about 10 personas for a total of 30 personas that have been accepted in the last couple of years. For the contents list for issues 1,2, and 3 and additional information, visit http://www.dragonlordsnet.com/qozine.htm.
- Companions' Grove: still needs stories, and artists to illustrate stories! (Remember, all contributors get a free copy of the zine in which their work appears.) Volume Eight is full, and awaiting the illustrations and final layout. ** If you contributed a story or promised me artwork for Volume Eight and have not heard from me recently, please get in touch with me, as I had to reformat my hard drive and lost my zine correspondence and address book earlier this year. If I don’t hear from you by September 2003, I will have to drop your contribution from the zine. ** Volume Nine is open to submissions. Current prices (not including shipping) are:
- Companions' Grove Volume One - $4.75 (40 pages, color cover)
- Companions' Grove Volume Two - $6.35 (56 pages, color cover)
- Companions' Grove Volume Three - $5.95 (51 pages, color cover)
- Companions' Grove Volume Four - $4.95 (42 pages, color cover)
- Companions' Grove Volume Five - $7.75 (69 pages, color cover)
- Companions' Grove Volume Six - $6.55 (57 pages, color cover)
- Companions' Grove Volume Seven - $5.95 (52 pages, color cover)
- The Danya Winterborn Saga - $5.20 (52 pages, b/w front and back covers)
- Endgame - $3.85(36 pages, b/w cover)
- Fire Eyes - $4.40 (43 pages, b/w cover)
- Shards of Autumn - out of print, see note below
- The Sum of Duty - $5.80 (57 pages, b/w cover)
- Do or Dye: A Guide to Companion Camouflage - $1.25 (20 pages, digest size, b/w cover, saddle stapled)
- Cat's Cradle - $7.60 (76 pages, monochrome green cover)
For orders shipping in the US, I've instituted a maximum shipping cost of $3.85. Multi-zine orders, which can be shipped in a flat rate envelope (usually 3 of the smaller zines, or 2 of the larger zines), will be sent Priority Mail; larger orders will be sent Media Mail Insured, which is only slightly slower and doesn't have the zone rates (which wouldn't work with my shopping cart). Smaller orders will be sent First Class.
I take credit cards via PayPal, which is the cart's only payment option, but the cart can be used to calculate shipping, and checks/money orders mailed to Green Dragon Press, c/o Devin Harris, 4531 N. Kelishan St., Pahrump, NV 89060.
Except as noted, zines are printed on high-quality, bright white paper, comb bound, with cardstock covers. Story excerpts and cover art-as well as submission guidelines and PayPal ordering information-can be found at http://www.greendragonpress.net/misty.htm. To order via snail mail, send check or money order (payable to Devin Harris; US funds only) to Green Dragon Press, c/o Devin Harris, 4531 N. Kelishan St., Pahrump, NV 89060.
Note regarding Shards of Autumn: While this zine is officially out of print and no longer available on the website, a few copies are left over from convention appearances. Any remaining copies from MediaWest will be available at that con until they sell out; the others are being returned to me and will be auctioned off at http://www.auctionfen.com until they are gone. I also occasionally auction off zines which returned from cons a bit shopworn, so it’s a good site to check periodically.
- Herald's Companion: Editor: Karen Bertke, 5694 Scarborough Dr., Cincinnati, OH 45238. If anyone has friends stationed overseas for the war, let us know and we'll send them a feezil mascot (to make anything feezilable). E-mail:submission instructions:
- Subject line must read "For Karen." (Anything else will be erased as a potential virus hazard.)
- Do not use strange fonts, which my computer will not recognize.
- E-mail:it to gbertke@fuse.net. (This is my father's e-mail address. Use it for submissions for Herald's Companion only.)
Other Fandoms:
- Lois Bujold: Lois Bujold can be reached at lois@dendarii.com. "The Bujold Nexus" is at http://www.dendarii.com. You can receive information about their newsletter, the "Dendarii Dispatch" by contacting Lyn Belzer, Editor, 25-16 18th St., #2 Long Island City, NY 11102.
- CrossGen Comics: Exciting New Fantasy Comic Books. Follow Prince Ethan's adventures the third Wednesday of each month as he gains the powerful sigil and accidentally puts his world on the brink of war. Meridian, on sale the fourth Wednesday of each month, is the fantastic saga of a teenage girl and her plight to save her floating island home. Go to http://www.crossgen.com, or call 1-888-COMICBOOK for details on a retail location near you.
- Tanya Huff: Nine Above! is a list for fans of author Tanya Huff. This list provides announcements about Tanya's latest work, publication dates, and personal appearances. NA! also provides a forum for Tanya's fans to communicate with each other, and will have discussion as well as announcements. Lurking is fine, but participation is encouraged. When you join, we'd love for you to send a "hello" to the group at large, telling us who you are! To start sending messages to members of this group, simply send email to nineabove@egroups.com.
- L.A. Malcor: Dragonlords of Dumnonia: L.A. Malcor, http://www.dragonlordsnet.com, Legend@malcor.com.
- Adrian Paul of Highlander: Peace, APFC P.O. Box 4593, North Hollywood, CA 91617 or Peace, APFC P.O. Box 519, Broley, Kent, BR29WX, England.
- Michael Praed: Michael Praed Network Newsletter, c/o Kate Raymond, P.O. Box 516, Midlotioan, IL 60445.
- Melanie Rawn: Pandemonium - The official Melanie Rawn club invites you to join their ranks. SASE for more information: Irena Pereira, P.O. Box 18A146 , Los Angeles, CA 90018.
- N3F is one of the oldest general interest SF/F clubs, started in 1941. Members meet by snail mail and E-mail to discuss SF, Fantasy, and Horror genres. (Some gather at cons, too.) We have plenty to offer the hungry SF/F/H fan! Members receive Tightbeam, the club's quarterly zine, and The National Fantasy Fan, our bi-monthly zine. For inquiries, please snail mail me at N3F Secretary, Dennis Davis, 25549 Byron Street, San Bernadino, CA, 92404-6403. Check out our website at http://www.simegen.com/fandom/n3f.
- Star Trek: The USS Starfire is a writing group that writes original fiction set in the Star Trek universe. To find our more about our group, please visit our website at http://www.epix.net/~ckocher/starfire.html or e-mail us at trek01@epix.net.
- Doctor Who and other Media: The Prydonians of Prynceton, P.O. Box 3194, Princeton, NJ 08543-3194.
Collegium News:
We have individual handouts for aspiring Heralds, Healers, Bards, Blues, Mercenaries, Tayledras, Shin'a'in, and White Winds Sorcerers/Sorceresses and instructions on how to work for Herald-Mage status if you are already a Herald or for a Kal'enedral if you are already a Shin'a'in. You can find these handouts online at http://www.dragonlordsnet.com/qohandouts.htm.
You need a release form (online at http://www.dragonlordsnet.com/qomlrel2.htm) if you write a story set in Misty's worlds or using any of her characters. You do not need a release for a character sketch, poem or filk. All Misty wants to do is protect her characters and her worlds. Send the release form (you do NOT need to include the story) to Misty c/o High Flight Arts and Letters, P.O. Box 2970, Claremore, OK 74017. Do NOT include the original of the release form with your persona material; send it to Misty. Send a copy to us.
All personae materials should be sent to the QO address or submitted by e-mail to Legend@malcor.com and healermoon@gmail.com.
We have no new personae to announce, but several people are working on what should be their final rewrites (nudge, nudge <g>).
If you were working on a persona who is no longer listed at http://www.dragonlordsnet.com/qochat.htm that means we have not heard from you in over a year. To revive your persona, simply message Danya at Legend@malcor.com and tell her that your persona is in "Deep Storage." She will pull it out for you and reactivate your submission.
If you are a returning member who has recently activated your membership in Queen’s Own and we have forgotten to list you, message Danya at Legend@malcor.com, and she’ll make sure you are greeted in the next newsletter.
Lost . . .
One of the challenges running an online club is that people don’t always leave a forwarding address when they move . We are missing current e-mail addresses for the following members:
- Bard Revelin Tionne (sazimarc@mindspring.com)
- Bard Valiena (laughsong@aol.com)
- Guardsman Faolan Ixran (Timmeu@scubadiving.com)
- Healer Darnellon Gaither (mdprier@aol.com)
- Herald Darvith (goddess@universalmail.com)
- Healer Tamesin na Coille (brindle@bellsouth.net)
- Herald Alia Melyngar (aliamelyngar@aol.com)
- Herald Artavash Keletal (tmschneiderman@attbi.com)
- Herald Constantine Rief (maciain@pathway.net)
- Herald Crystona Devanth Shekrevalas (crys@stny.rr.com)
- Herald Deborah (sjupiterdebi@home.com)
- Herald Ian Hawkwood (ianhawke1@aol.com)
- Herald Jolee Alsierra (tinkrbel@spiritone.com)
- Herald-Mage Apprentice Kadia Linder (Kadia@aol.com)
- Herald Kendryl Shadowwolf (kscarpat@altavista.com)
- Herald Keri Starfire/Mountainheart (WaltherM@imefdf.usmc.mil)
- Herald Kiana Wynter (saffyrek@hotmail.com)
- Herald Lisbeth Maye (wizardshome@hotmail.com)
- Herald Liselle Aravon (rusalka@nac.net)
- Herald Miracle Oceanfire (rhyme_reason@hotmail.com)
- Herald Paf (jaro@attbi.com)
Herald Robihane (Tevye@speakintosilence.com)
- Tayledras Mage Autumnwynd k'Vaia (autumnwynd@aol.com)
- Tayledras Blackwolf k'Vala (HRHIce@aol.com)
- Tayledras Adept Oceanlaughter k'Shira (littlesweetchef@aol.com)
- Tayledras Healer Adept Sierra k'Treva (katsanders@buffymail.com)
- Tayledras Healer Adept Skydance k'Chona (Sttawylime@hotmail.com)
If you know any of these folks, please have them contact Danya at Legend@malcor.com with a current e-mail address.

From Herald-Mage Adept Danya Winterborn:
Looks as if I’m heading into another busy year! As of this month I’m officially 43 . . . Doesn’t seem possible. Where do the years go?
Dux (my new collie pup) has already doubled in size since we picked him up from the breeder. Our extremely wet weather here in California doesn’t seem to be bothering him, and he’s learning all the stuff a good pup needs to know rather quickly <G>.
I’ll be heading to San Diego in March to give a lecture on San Galgano and the Sword in the Stone. If any of you will be in the area, let me know. Maybe we can get together to say "Heyla!"
I will most likely be returning to Italy at the end of June, and I may be making a trip to the United Kingdom this year as well. I’d love to see any QO fans, if time allows.
My interview didn’t make it onto the King Arthur DVD, which is disappointing. Oh, well. As they say, that’s Hollywood .
I’m up to my proverbial ears in writing assignments, which is keeping life interesting. Please bear with me if newsletters are released a bit late. (I have to take the paying assignments first.) I do hope to find time to do a little QO fan fiction this year, though. I have an idea for a backstory about Kaylan that’s been bugging me for a while . . .
- From Jennifer M. Mackay/Herald Mallea D'Lar. I have a new email address: mackayjenn@yahoo.com! SNAIL MAIL: PO BOX 66408, Portland, OR 97290. If you like to read, I'm your girl. Just give me a book and a quiet nook--I'm happy! Misty, Tad Williams, J.R.R. Tolkien, Mindy Klasky (Glasswright series), DragonLance (the M. Weiss/T. Hickman original books and new), SF Classics like H.G. Wells, George Orwell, ect., ect. I'm about to sink my teeth into David Eddings on my sister's recommendations. I just finished watching SEVEN seasons of Buffy the Vampire Slayer. That was fun! I've gone through all NINE years of The X-Files. I'm a huge X-Files fanatic. (Did I forget to mention my love affair with box sets on DVD?) I'm a fan of every Star Trek show made, Star Wars, Battlestar Galactica (got my box set), Babylon 5, Quantum Leap, and just about anything else that grabs my attention.If you wish you could take a trip to the moon, or just get out of Mundania for awhile, please feel free to drop me a line!
- From Ellen Million: Not only is Ellen Million Graphics still around (ten years last October!), but I now offer an array of gorgeous new work by new artists, on many new products (including t-shirts!) and a brand new character portrait service. Ordering is available on-line or by snail mail: http://www.ellenmilliongraphics.com. I'd also love to get back in touch with lost penpals! (Use the contact form on the website to avoid death-by-spam-filters!)
- From Herald Valana Dorrandale/Rachel Valentine: 21-year-old college student needs relief from mundania! I enjoy Misty, Anne Rice, Mickey Zucker Riechert, Robert Jordan, Fiona Patton, Tanya Huff, C.S. Friedman etc. B5, Star Trek, Star Wars, Highlander, LOTR,all kinds of music, scaly and furry animals, Garfield, writing, drawing, singing, playing guitar, horseback riding, traveling and much more. Do you like this stuff?? Write me! TO: Robin S., Bess H., Bard Shiana, Harold P.: Are you all still QO members?? Please write me; I've missed you guys! E-mail: raeval23@yahoo.com.
- From White Winds Sorceress Cime Shadow Weaver. To All. Shadows of Goddess is now an online store. I offer 10 % discount to Queen’s Own members. Be sure to tell me you are though. (:) I offer new items weekly. http://www.ebaystores.com/shadowsofthegoddess. My e-mail address is cimeshadow@aol.com.
- From Herald-Mage Danya. To: All. Re: Cookbook. If you've read my persona submission in CoV, you know that I like making up medieval-style recipes. I'm thinking about compiling a cookbook based on meals that Misty describes in the Velgarth series. If anyone is currently reading the books, could you note the book and page any food items are mentioned on and send them to me at Legend@malcor.com? Thanks!
Queen's Own is the official Mercedes Lackey Appreciation Society. Our purpose is to share our enjoyment of Misty's worlds. We are a fan-run not-for-profit organization, not a business. Our address of publication: P.O. Box 749, Laguna Beach, CA 92652 USA. This newsletter is published solely to inform and entertain the club's membership; no infringement of anyone's copyrights is intended.
Newsletters are published on (or near) the first of each month.
Co-Editor/Co-President Herald-Mage Master Danya Winterborn (L.A. Malcor; AOL-IM SN Shashtah; Legend@malcor.com)
Co-Editor/Co-President Healer Adept Moonstar (Kendra Renaud; AOL-IM SN healermoon; healermoon@gmail.com)
The featured artist for this newsletter is Devin Harris, who granted us special permission to display these pieces. All drawings in this newsletter are © to the credited artist. All rights reserved. If you would like your art to be featured in the online version of the QO newsletter, send .gifs or .jpgs to Legend@malcor.com or hardcopy to Queen's Own, P.O. Box 749, Laguna Beach, CA 92652.
Mercedes Lackey does not receive mail at the Queen's Own address. Fanmail to Mercedes Lackey and releases for fan fiction should be sent to:
Mercedes Lackey
c/o High Flight Arts and Letters
P.O. Box 2970
Claremore, OK 74017
Herald-Mage Master Danya Winterborn and
Healer Adept Moonstar
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