Travel Guide FAQ

(Revised 10/18/20)

Here we briefly survey a number of types of places that people ask about on a regular basis. For geography, you really want to refer to the maps by Larry Dixon that are printed in the front of many of Misty's Velgarth novels. There is also a partial map in The Valdemar Companion (pp. 205-210). (We are told that efforts are underway to make the entire map of the known realms of Velgarth available as a poster. Watch the QO newsletter for details.) Kerrie Hughes has written a delightful piece, "A Travelers' Guide to Valdemar and the Surrounding Kingdoms", in The Valdemar Companion (pp. 81-108). We highly recommend it to anyone who is writing fanfic about characters travelling on Velgarth.


We know more about some countries than others. Here's a brief overview of the realms of Velgarth:

Major trade routes within Valdemar include:


There are very few settlements large enough to call cities on Velgarth, but here are the ones we know about and the countries where they are located:


Most of the towns mentioned in the books are shown on the map Larry Dixon did with Daniel Green for The Valdemar Companion (pp. 205-210). Here are some other settlements that are mentioned in the concordance:

Towns are run by a Mayor and a Town Council. Each town has its own gaol.

Villages and Smaller Settlements

These places are smaller than towns.

Villages are run by Mayors.


Most travelers on Velgarth stay at inns and taverns. Here are the ones we know about, the place where they are located, and their specialized clientelle, if any:


There are ranks within the populations of the various countries. Here are the ones we know about:





Misty has created many of her cultures by combining elements of various Terran cultures. Here are some that we know about:

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