King Arthur
John and Caitlín Matthews
Two of the most prolific, popular writers of matters Arthurian. Though
their work is viewed with some skepticism in academic circles, their
books make for entertaining general reading. John Matthews texts lean toward
the scholarly while most of Caitlín Matthews books are heavily in the
spirituality/New Age category. (Special thanks to John Matthews for helping me update this page!)
The Aquarian Guide to Legendary London
- Chesca Potter and John Matthews edited this useful guide to sites in London.
The Arthurian Book of Days: The Greatest Legend in the World Retold Throughout the Year
- John and Caitlín Matthews worked together to produce this amazingly beautiful text.
Barnes & Noble edition
An Arthurian Reader: Selections from Arthurian Legend, Scholarship and Story
- Useful as a text book, this collection was edited by John Matthews.
Arthurian Tarot Deck Book Set
- This includes the Arthurian Tarot cards.
Arthurian Tarot/Book and Cards
- This is the 1990 edition of the Arthurian Tarot cards and the book that discusses them.
The Arthurian Tradition
- John Matthews explores the Arthurian tradition in this work.
Reprint Edition.
At the Table of the Grail: Magic and the Use of the Imagination
- John Matthews edited this thoughtful collection of essays. (This is the reprint edition.)
The Barefoot Book of Princesses
- Caitlín Matthews penned this text for children ages 9 to 12.
The Barefoot Book of Princesses
- John Matthews penned this text for children ages 9 to 12.
The Book of Arthur: Lost Tales From the Round Table
- John Matthews retells several Arthur-related stories that are seldom told by modern authors.
The Celtic Seers' Source Book: Vision and Magic in the Druid Tradition
- John Matthews edited this collection of essays about ancient seers, including one on the prophecies of Merlin.
A Celtic Reader: Selections from Celtic Legend, Scholarship and Story
- John Matthews edited this collection of texts, which includes some Arthurian tales.
The Celtic Shaman
- An examination of the character type John Matthews sees as inspiring the Arthurian figure of Merlin.
The Celtic Shaman: A Handbook (Earth Quest)
- More of a "how to" book based on John Matthews's hypotheses than a scholarly text.
The Elements of the Arthurian Tradition
- John Matthews describes various aspects of the Arthurian Tradition.
Paperback (1991).
The Elements of the Grail Tradition
- John Matthews discusses the Grail tradition; he leans heavily toward Celtic origins.
Paperback (1991).
Gawain: Knight of the Goddess: Restoring an Archetype
- John Matthews rethinks the scholarship on Sir Gawain. Alternate title: Sir Gawain: Knight of the Goddess.
Paperback (2003).
A Glastonbury Reader: Selections from the Myths, Legends, and Stories of Ancient Avalon
- John Matthews retells stories associated with Glastonbury.
Grail: Quest for the Eternal
- Tons of plates of sculptures, paintings, manuscript illuminations and other visual representations of
the Grail tradition; John Matthews sees Celtic sources behind the images.
The Grail Seeker's Companion: A Guide to the Grail Quest in the Aquarian Age
- This is a 2004 reprint of the original book. Illustrated by Chesca Potter.
1987 paperback.
Grail: A Secret History
- John Matthews takes a look at many of the mysteries, some of which were used in The Da Vinci Code, in this beautiful hardcover book.
The Green Man: Spirit of Nature
- John Matthews takes a look at this Celtic figure and how he may have inspired the Green Knight and other legendary characters.
Hallowquest: Tarot Magic and the Arthurian Mysteries
- John and Caitlín Matthews produced this collection for the Aquarian Press.
Hallowquest: The Arthurian Tarot Course: A Tarot Journey Through the Arthurian World
- This is the revised edition of this text.
Healing the Wounded King: Soul Work and the Quest for the Grail
- John Matthews discusses the Maimed King in the Grail tradition. Introduction by David Spangler.
The Household of the Grail
- John Matthews takes a look at the members of the household of knights associated with the Grail.
King Arthur: Dark Age Warrior and Mythic Hero
- This handsome volume includes a chapter on the 2004 movie King Arthur.
King Arthur and the Grail Quest: Myth and Vision from Celtic
Times to the Present
- John Matthews discusses the Arthurian and Grail tradition as they have been perceived over
the centuries.
King Arthur's Britain: A Photographic Odyssey
- Michael J. Stead provided the photographs for this stunning book.
Ladies of the Lake
- Marion Zimmer Bradley wrote the introduction for John and Caitlín Matthews' discussion of nine female figures in the Arthurian tradition.
Landscapes of Legend: A Photographic Journey Through the Secret Heart
of Britain
- John Matthews and Michael J. Stead put together this beautiful book; some of the sites hold interest for Arthurian scholars.
Legendary Britain: An Illustrated Journey
- John Matthews and R.J. ("Bob") Stewart team again for this book, which is beautifully illustrated by Miranda Gray.
The Little Book of Arthurian Wisdom
- John Matthews presents his favorite tidbits from the Arthurian tradition.
Le Morte D'Arthur
- John Matthews edited this edition of Thomas Malory's fifteenth-century classic.
- John and Caitlín Matthews survey material associated with Merlin.
Merlin in Calydon: Limited Edition
- This is a collection of poems by John Matthews.
Merlin Through the Ages: A Chronological Anthology and Source Book
- John Matthews coedited this look at materials associated with Merlin.
Merlin: Shaman, Prophet, Magician
- Another of John Matthews's explorations of Merlin. If this link does not work, search for the book on
Mystic Grail
- John Matthews discusses the mystical aspects of the Holy Grail legends.
Secret Camelot: The Lost Legends of King Arthur
- John Matthews presents some of the lesser known Arthurian legends.
The Song of Arthur: Celtic Tales from the High King's Court
- Seventeen stories that focus on the Quest for the Holy Grail.
The Song of Taliesin: Tales from King Arthur's Bard
- John Matthews retells twenty Arthurian stories as if they were told by Taliesin.
Sources of the Grail
- John Matthews details the Celtic traditions that he thinks spawned the Grail legends.
Taliesin: The Last Celtic Shaman
- While most of this book focuses on Taliesin, John and CaitlŴn Matthews spend some time discussing the relationship of these stories with the Arthurian tradition.
The Unknown Arthur: Forgotten Tales of the Round Table
- Mark Robertson illustrated this collection of tales.
Warriors of Arthur
- John Matthews and R.J. ("Bob") Stewart explore the tales of several of the Arthurian knights.
Legends of Arthur (Castle Multimedia and Cromwell Interactive,1998)
- [I'm looking for more information about this item; it was only released in the UK and contains narratives of several of the Arthurian legends.]
Giants, Ghosts and Goblins
- Jerry Nelson narrates this audio book by John Matthews.
King Arthur
- John Matthews appears in the "Background to the Movie" section of on the Director's Cut DVD.
Essays & Stories
Voices from the Circle
- John Matthews's "Breaking the Circle" appears in this collection, which was edited by Prudence Jones and Caitlín Matthews.
Book of Merlin: Insights from the Merlin Conference, London, June 1986
- John Matthwes' "Merlin in Modern Fiction" can be found in this collection, which was edited R.J. Stewart.
Unknown Binding
Merlin and Woman: The Second Merlin Conference: London, June 1987
- John Matthews wrote "Merlin and Grisandole" for this collection, which was edited by R. J. Stewart.
Tarot Tales
- John Matthews's "The Tenth Muse" is included in this highly acclaimed collection, which was edited by Rachel Pollack and Caitlín Matthews.
Other Works by John and Caitlín Matthews
The Bardic Source Book: Inspirational Legacy and Teachings of the Ancient
- John Matthews edited these studies of the bardic tradition.
The Barefoot Book of Giants, Ghosts and Goblins: Traditional Tales from Around the World
- John Matthews designed this book for juvenile readers, Grades 2-5.
The Barefoot Book of Princesses
- Caitlín Matthews penned this book for juvenile readers, ages 9-12.
The Blessing Seed: A Creation Myth for the New Millennium
- Caitlín Matthews teamed with illustrator Alison Dexter for this text.
Boadicea: Warrior Queen of the Celts (Heroes and Warriors)
- John Matthews explores the life of this famous Celtic Warrior Queen.
The Book of Druidry: History, Sites and Wisdom
- John Matthews coauthored this survey of the druidic relgion.
Celtic Battle Heroes: Macbeth, Cuchulain, Boadicea and Fionn MacCumhaill (Heroes & Warriors S.)
- John Matthews and R. J. Stewart collaborated on this book. [If this text won't come up on the US site, click over to and order it there.]
The Celtic Book of Days: A Daily Guide to Celtic Spirituality and Wisdom
- Caitlín Matthews authored this gorgeous Book of Days, which is inspired by Celtic traditions.
Celtic Book of the Dead: A Guide for Your Voyage to the Celtic Otherworld
- Caitlín Matthews designed these cards and spread cloth; read the instructions carefully since this is not the
traditional tarot.
Celtic Devotional: Daily Prayers and Blessings
- Caitlín Matthews wrote these prayers and blessings for practitioners of neo-Celtic religions.
Celtic Lore
- John and Caitlín Matthews coauthored this look at Celtic traditions.
Celtic Myths & Legends
- John Matthews surveys Celtic myths and legends.
The Celtic Oracle: Exploring the Inner Worlds
- If isn't listing this one yet, I've seen it at Barnes & Noble.
The Celtic Shaman's Pack: Exploring the Inner Worlds/Book and Cards
- Cards designed from John Matthews's writings about Celtic sacred objects and how to use them
for meditation and so forth; not a standard tarot deck.
Celtic Totem Animals
- Ari Berk wrote the foreword to this book by John Matthews.
The Celtic Tradition (" Elements of . . . " Series)
- Caitlín Matthews provides an overview of Celtic traditions.
Paperback (1995).
Celtic Warrior Chiefs
- Miranda Gray provides stunningly beautiful illustrations for John Matthews and R. J. Stewart's popular text about several famous Celtic warriors.
The Celtic Wisdom Tarot
- Caitlín Matthews offers a variation on the standard tarot.
Choirs of the God: Revisioning Masculinity
- John Matthews edited this interesting collection of essays.
Classic Celtic Fairy Tales
- John Matthews edited this illustrated collection of Celtic fairy tales.
Drinking from the Sacred Well : Personal Voyages of Discovery with the Celtic Saint
- John Matthews takes a look at Celtic spiritual awareness.
The Druid Source Book
- John Matthews compiled this collection of information about the druids; more popular and "how to" than scholarly.
El Cid: Champion of Spain (Heroes and Warriors)
- John Matthews takes a look at the Spanish hero, El Cid.
The Element Encyclopedia of Magical Creatures : The Ultimate A-Z of Fantastic Beings From Myth and Magic
- John and Caitl$#237;n Matthews team up for this beautiful and fun popular encyclopedia of magical and mythical creatures.
Elements of Celtic Tradition
- Caitlín Matthews discusses Celtic myths, stories and magical practices.
The Elements of the Goddess (The Elements Of)
- Caitlín Matthews looks at the mythology of the goddess; heavy on the Celtic material.
The Encyclopaedia of Celtic Wisdom: A Celtic Shaman's Sourcebook
- Caitlín and John Matthews coauthored this informational book for neo-Celtic shamans.
The Encyclopaedia of Celtic Myth and Legend
- Caitlín and John Matthews joined together to create this useful reference work.
A Fairy Tale Reader: A Collection of Story, Lore and Vision
- John and Caitl$#237;n Matthews edited this collection of stories.
Fionn Mac Cumhail: Champion of Ireland (Celtic Heroes and Warriors Series)
- John Matthews discusses this famous Irish warrior, whose stories are often said to parallel some of Arthur's.
From Isles of Dream: Visionary Stories and Poems of the Celtic Renaissance
- John Matthews edited this collection of stories by famous authors.
Unknown Binding
The Green Man Tree Oracle
- A pack of 25 beautifully illustrated cards, featuring the Green Man.
In Search of Women's Passionate Soul: Revealing the Daimon Lover Within
- Caitlín Matthews draws on her knowledge of Celtic traditions for this pop psychology text.
The Little Book of Celtic Blessings
- Caitlín Matthews compiled this collection of blessings, prayers and praises.
The Little Book of Celtic Wisdom
- Caitlín and John Matthews coauthored this collage of tidbits that are either from, inspired by or
influenced by Celtic traditions.
Myths of the Middle Ages
- John Matthews edited this collection of medieval tales.
Paths to Peace: A Collection of Prayers, Ceremonies and Chants from Many Traditions (Tuttle Library of Enlightenment)
- John Matthews edited this collection of spiritual writings.
The Quest for the Green Man
- A beautiful hardcover book by John Matthews.
Richard Lionheart: The Crusader King (Heroes and Warriors)
- John Matthews takes a look at Richard Lionheart in this installment of the Heroes and Warriors series.
Robin Hood: Green Lord of the Wildwood
- John Matthews explores the legend of Robin Hood.
The Secret Lives Of Elves & Faeries: From the Private Journal Of The Rev. Robert Kirk
- John Matthews discusses references to elves and faeries in the Rev. Robert Kirk's journal.
Secrets of the Druids
- John Matthews looks at the druids.
The Sidhe: Wisdom from the Celtic Otherworld
- John Matthews discusses the connection between the Sidhe and humans.
Singing the Soul Back Home: Shamanism in Daily Life (Earth Quest)
- Caitlín Matthews discusses modern spirituality; aimed at a neo-Celtic audience.
Sophia; Goddess of Wisdom
- Caitlín Matthews leaves Celtic studies behind (well, mostly) to talk about
the goddess of wisdom.
Tales of the Celtic Otherworld
- John Matthews presents these stories, which are set in the Celtic Otherworld. Illustrated by Ian Daniels.
Walkers Between the Worlds : The Western Mysteries from Shaman to Magus
- John and Caitlín Matthews explore various mystic figures from Western traditions.
Warriors of Christendom: Charlemagne, El Cid, Barbarossa, Richard Lionheart (Heroes and Warriors)
- John Matthews and R.J. ("Bob") Stewart explore the tales of Charlemagne, El Cid, Barbarossa and Richard Lionheart in this installment of the Heroes and Warriors series.
Warriors of Medieval Times
- John Matthews and R.J. ("Bob") Stewart take a look at more legends of medieval knights.
The Western Way Omnibus
- John and Caitlín Matthews coauthored this new age text.
The Winter Solstice; The Sacred Traditions of Christmas
- John and Caitlín Matthews examine Celtic influences on the celebration of Christmas.
Within the Hollow Hills: Anthology of New Celtic Writing
- John Matthews edited this collection of modern stories. Caitlín Matthews penned one of the tales.
The Wizard King and Other Spellbinding Tales
- John and Caitlín Matthews present several Celtic-themed stories for children ages 9 to 12.
Wizards : The Quest for the Wizard from Merlin to Harry Potter
- John Matthews takes a look at the world of wizards.
March 2003 printing.
The World Atlas of Divination: The Systems, Where They Originate, How They Work
- John Matthews edited this useful reference work.
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